10 Ways to Attract Positive Energy

1/ Start your day with positivity – Find something that lifts your spirits first thing. This can be anything from an early morning exercise class to listening to cheerful music as you get dressed. Make a playlist of songs that bring a smile to your face and make you feel raring to go. Starting the day feeling happy and positive will attract more positive energy to you as the day progresses.


2/ Control your thoughts – Negative thinking can be hard to stop. It’s easy to allow yourself to slip into pessimism, but if you want to attract good things, you must let the positive guide you, not the negative.

Consciously work at changing your thoughts from negative to positive. For example, reframe the thought: “I am having a hard time adjusting to this new situation or what’s happening” to “I know I will face challenges and this will be hard, but I am capable of coping and I know I will find a way to adjust.”

Don’t allow yourself to wallow in pessimistic ruminations. Acknowledge negative thoughts, but quickly replace them with positive, realistic statements that inspire you to take action.

Use certain objects as reminders to help you keep a positive mind-set – wear a certain bracelet or necklace, keep some inspirational quotes to hand, or carry a lucky charm or crystal.


3/ Offload negative influences – Negative vibes can disrupt your sense of well-being and drain you of happy feelings and contentedness. These negative influences can be people, places or things that have a way of lowering your mood.

Maybe there are people in your life who are toxic to your happiness. Perhaps their constant criticisms bring you down, or you find yourself picking up their bad habits.

You may be able to completely avoid or remove some negative influences, but if they are unavoidable, work to limit your exposure to them and mentally fortify yourself before you encounter them.


4/ Expand your circle – Just as you try to limit your negative influences, make sure you start spending time with positive ones. Surround yourself with optimistic, happy people who are supportive and caring and who always see the good in others and situations rather than the bad.

Keep company with those who bring positive energy with them, and make sure you nurture and protect those relationships. Seek out people who will tell you the truth, and will always be honest with you, but never out of spite or with a desire to bring you down.


5/ Be present – Don’t allow yourself to dwell on the past. Learn to live in the moment. When you're fully present, aware of how you're feeling and able to adjust accordingly, that's when you're sending out good vibes and attracting more positive energy to you.


6/ Stay calm in conflict – Strive to resolve disagreements in a calm manner. Getting worked up only leaves you feeling agitated and tensed. Most fights are not worth having. An argument is only worth it when something positive surfaces as the result.

If you do get into a quarrel, don’t let it dictate all other aspects of your day or your life. Treat it as an isolated incident and mentally put it to one side. Don’t let it affect your mood or bring you down.


7/ Be compassionate and kind – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Small acts of kindness can have profound impacts on both the giver and the receiver. Research shows that people who are kind and compassionate to others are more satisfied with their lives, enjoy better physical and mental health, and have stronger relationships. Giving to others creates a positive feedback loop – the more you give, the more good feelings you receive in return.

There are many easy ways of showing kindness, such as writing a positive message on a sticky note and leaving it for someone to find, buying a cup of coffee for the person behind you in the queue, or simply taking a moment to smile as you pass strangers. All of this fuels happiness and sends positive energy your way.


8/ Cultivate gratitude – Find time each day to think about the things you’re grateful for. By finding small ways to practice gratitude you’ll allow yourself to let go of toxic emotions and replace those with positive thoughts. You can practice gratitude each morning by thinking of five things you're grateful for. Then think of at least one person you’re grateful to have in your life.

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational frequencies and the fastest way to attract more positive energy. 


9/ Take pride in yourself – When you feel good about yourself, your outlook towards the world changes too. Feeling good about yourself doesn’t just happen, you need to consciously remind yourself of who you are and all your capabilities.

If you are someone who is drowning in self-loathing, you are surrounding yourself in negative energy. On the other hand, if you choose to make yourself feel better, whether it’s exercising regularly, eating healthily or taking pride in your appearance, you’ll experience a change in how you perceive the world and approach life.


10/ Imagine your future self – Nothing is more motivational than when you envision your goals. Setting yourself goals gives you something to work for. The moment you begin imagining them manifest, you will feel motivated to work that much harder for them and by doing that you are attracting them to you.

Keep a picture of the future you want in your mind and think of it often. As you start taking steps toward creating the reality you wish for, you’ll feel motivated to take control of more parts of your life. And the more actions you take, the more positive energy will come your way.

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