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7 Ways to Show You Care From Afar

Covid-19 restrictions mean many of us are unable to see family and friends as much as we would like to – or even at all. But thanks to technology and good old fashioned communication methods, we can still let loved ones know we care and are thinking about them. Here are a few ideas …


1/ Send a ‘thinking of you’ package – Fill it with their favourite things (maybe a book or CD you know they will like, a scented soap, some nice chocolate, a pretty notebook), items they might need, or thoughtful things that remind you of them. Or arrange to have their favourite cupcakes or flowers delivered.


2/ Virtually cook or have a meal together – Regularly video-call via WhatsApp, Messenger or Zoom and ‘have dinner’ or an afternoon coffee, or watch a movie at the same time. Restrictions don’t mean you have to completely stop doing fun things with your friends and family, it just means finding new ways to spend time together.


3/ Use snail mail – Going old style and sending a handwritten letter is a great way to make someone’s day – especially an elderly relative who may be feeling lonely.


4/ Send random texts – Text someone you don’t normally text each day – perhaps a relative or friend that you aren’t in regular contact with. Reach out and ask how they are coping, tell them you’ve been thinking of them.


5/ Check in regularly – Checking in once or twice a day with a close friend or loved one that you can’t see in person, even if it’s just to say hello via text or email, shows you care and gives a sense of normalcy, even when it feels anything but.


6/ Send funny memes and posts – There's countless hilarious memes out there and sending something funny that reminds you of them every now and again will make them smile and reassure them that they are not forgotten.


7/ Make a long phone call – Hearing someone’s voice in real time is a good way to feel closer to the person. Nothing beats real human interaction — not even screens. Make a cuppa, settle on the sofa and have a good old-fashioned chinwag.