Make... Blended Mushroom and Lamb Kofte Wraps

As we’re cooking at home much more this year and looking for new ways to add more nutrition to our diets, it comes as no surprise that locally-grown mushroom sales are up 22 per cent. Not only do mushrooms add more flavour to our meals, they are also packed full of nutritional goodness. They are naturally low in calories and fat, as well as a source of Vitamin B and Folic Acid which contribute to the normal function of the immune system and help to boost energy levels. For tasty recipe inspiration, visit or on social media @JustAddMushrooms – and try this tasty recipe out!

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 25 mins

Serves 4



200g mushrooms

300g lamb mince

1 egg, lightly beaten

2tbsp breadcrumbs

2tbsp ground cumin

1tsp chilli powder

1tsp smoked paprika

2tbsp ground coriander

3tbsp chopped parsley

250g wholemeal flour

175ml water

1 tbsp olive oil

250g Greek-style yoghurt

1 clove of garlic

1 tbsp dried mint

Salt and pepper to season

Fresh coriander to serve


Blitz the mushrooms in a food processor until finely chopped then mix with the lamb, egg, breadcrumbs, spices and herbs.

Shape into 12 sausages and thread onto skewers. Leave in the fridge while you prepare the bread and garlic raita.

Mix the yoghurt with the garlic, mint and a pinch of salt and pepper and put in a serving bowl.

In another bowl, mix together the flour, water and a tablespoon of olive oil and knead until you have a dough.

Divide into eight balls and roll out into circles. Heat a sauté pan and when hot cook each flatbread until lightly charred on each side. Keep warm, wrapped in foil or a tea towel while you cook the kofte.

Cook the lamb kofte under a hot grill or on a griddle pan until browned all over.

Serve immediately with the breads and raita and a good handful of chopped coriander.


FoodWoman's Way