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How to stay active when you have a new born with Gillian Hynes.

When you're looking after a new baby it can feel like there are not enough hours in the day to get the essentials done, never mind even thinking about exercise. It's so important to stay active even during your little ones early months. You'll unlock more energy to deal with the demands of parenthood and you'll feel like a hot mama too!


1) No hanging around in those PJ's.

This is one of the best pieces of advice that was given to me after I had my first child. The longer you stay in those bedclothes the more inertia and the 'baby blur' sets in. Get showered and dressed early in your day. Ideally pop on workout clothing as this will mean you are ready to exercise as soon as a chance presents itself.


2) Commit to leaving the house at least once per day.

Ideally a brisk walk with your gorgeous bundle. Even the act of getting out of the house and getting into that fresh air will put a pep in your step and make you feel more 'normal'.


3) Break exercise into chunks.

With little one needing your attention at a moment's notice you can't ever be sure just how much time you have to exercise. Breaking up your routine into bite-sized chunks will mean you can easily dip in and out of exercise as baby allows. A segment of 10 minutes of bum and tum, 10 minutes of arm work and 10 minutes of aerobic work is ideal. Make sure to always start each day on a different segment to ensure you hit all of the areas.


4) Working out at home has never been bigger -

Every conceivable (excuse the pun) class is now available online, from postpartum pilates to HIIT fitness and everything in between. Nike Training Club is one of the best free apps, allowing you to select workouts based on fitness levels, workout style and duration.


5) Try a mommy and baby workout.

From about 3 months on (when your little one can support their own head) it can be fun to train while holding your baby. Try squats, lunges, butt lift, arm raises and bicep curls. Your baby will love having that fun time with mommy and you'll have the joy of looking at their gorgeous face as you exercise! Of course the beauty of this is that your baby's increasing weight means the challenge keeps rising too!


Gillian Hynes is mom to two boys and founder of Body Project www.bodyproject.ie. Body Project runs classes both at their Dublin 2 studio & online