The Fitbit Stress Symphony

Fitbit showcases a look at Ireland’s stress levels throughout this extraordinary year with the launch of an emotive score of music, the Fitbit Stress Symphony. For many, this year has been one of the most stressful years of their lives. In a recent survey conducted on behalf of Fitbit, 87% of Irish respondents admitted to experiencing stress in 2020 either due to their physical health, job concerns, or the news surrounding COVID-19.  Plus, nearly half (42%) of Irish respondents stated that 2020 has been the most stressful year of their life.

With 57% of Irish respondents stating that they turned to music to help them feel more relaxed this year, Fitbit created the Stress Symphony to help people take a moment to reflect on the impact of the stress we all have experienced this year, as well the unexpected moments of joy, helping to make invisible stresses and forgotten pleasures visible.

The Fitbit Stress Symphony enables people to experience an emotive journey through 2020. To create the score of music, Fitbit looked at a combination of deidentified aggregated Fitbit data from users located in the UK and Ireland from 1st January to 6th September 2020 that assessed users average active minutes, sleep duration and resting heart rate, as well as Irish data from search trends and social media sentiment during the same period.

Composer and Conductor, Ben Palmer, and Producer and Sound Designer, Aston Rudi, translated all of this data into an epic, emotive and original composition. Recorded at the iconic Barbican Centre in London, in compliance with COVID-19 safety precautions, the score of music is a unique symphony, blending a powerful live 20-piece orchestra courtesy of the Covent Garden Sinfonia with an urban electronic sound from Aston.

To watch the Fitbit Stress Symphony click here

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