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20 questions with Eddi Reader

1. What is your first memory? Climbing up giant worn stone steps in a Glasgow Tenement and looking up at ballastraid on the tops of grand buildings in the city. 

2. The last thing you think about before falling asleep is...
“Don’t go downstairs and chain-eat crisps, play piano, watch telly- just go to sleep!!!” I have to play the part of mother to my own inner toddler.

3. Who is the most interesting person you've ever met?
My dad Daniel “Dainy” Reader, he taught me I was equal to all regardless of money, sexuality, academic ability.

4. Have you ever been in love?
Yes. And conned myself with it sometimes. But discovering real love takes a lifetime. 

5. Who would be your ideal dinner guest?
Anyone with a great story to tell

6. Happiness is...
Being here and bringing joy to the moment

7. Who would play you in a film adaptation of your life?
Somebody with a pointy chin

8. What could you not live without?
My family and my ability to see good in all 

9. Tell us a secret.
(Shhh the bookies ALWAYS win)

10. Why are we here?
To expand with joy

11. What's your greatest vice?
The one where the bookie ALWAYS win

12. You are inspired by...

13. The song you're most likely to sing at karaoke is...

14. What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Slobbing out on the couch with crisps and good telly

15. What is your happiest memory?
Discovering I’m the creator of my own happiness

16. Where is your favourite place in the whole world?
My couch

17. The movie/s you could watch again and again is/are
It’s A Wonderful Life, The Quiet Man, Big, Pan’s Labyrinth

18. What makes you angry?
Me getting it wrong and feeling inadequate 

19. What would you like to be remembered for?
Leaving behind lovely music and lovely moments

20. What are you working on right now?
A book and my own alignment with positive energy - oh and getting rid of bronchitis 

Eddi Reader tours Ireland from 12-22 February, taking in Sligo, Limerick, Cork, Waterford, Letterkenny, Dublin, Belfast and Armagh. See www.eddireader.co.uk For further details.