Free CV advice and guidance

The coronavirus has had a drastic effect on all aspects of life, not just in Ireland but across the globe.  For many, it can feel like we are drowning in a sea of bad news, as the number of confirmed cases swells, the side-effects of the government’s partial lockdown crash into our lives and unemployment figures surge.

Already, there has been more than 90,000 individual applications for the Covid-19 Unemployment Pandemic payment, and it is expected that as many as 400,000 people could lose their jobs as a result of the outbreak. It’s a terrifying situation for many, but not one without hope.

Breda Dooley, regional manager at Matrix Recruitment is keen to remind people that while the situation is critical, it is also temporary.

“It is an anxious time for many, right now. We don’t know when businesses forced to close will reopen and we don’t know when things will return to normal, whatever the new normal might be. But it’s important to remember that this situation is not forever. If you have lost your job, I recommend using this time to plan for future employment by putting yourself in the best possible position for when the cloud starts to lift. It’s a positive action during a difficult time and will help pass several hours, providing a much-needed diversion.”

Take the time to perfect your CV

Your CV is your calling card and your most important sales tool and now is your chance to make it amazing.  There are so many great templates online; take a look and decide which ones suit you, the sector in which you work and your personality. You can take the best bits from lots of different ones, so you don’t end up with a formulaic template but instead have something interesting and unique to you. Make sure to include the skills you have acquired that make you the perfect candidate.  No employer wants to spend hours sifting through CVs so keep it informative but brief, two pages are usually enough and cut out irrelevant information that just acts as a filler.

To help those who have been made redundant as a result of Covid-19, Matrix Recruitment is offering to review people’s CVs for free during the pandemic. “We all need to use our strengths to help were we can during this difficult time. So, at no cost and no obligation, those who have lost their jobs or those who are simply updating their CVs can sent it to Matrix Recruitment for constructive comment,” adds Breda.

Reconnect with references

References are a key part of the recruitment process. You don’t have to list them on your CV but do have them ready to go should the company look for them. If you haven’t spoken to the person you’d like to use as a reference in a while, use this time to reconnect with them. Call them or send them a short message asking them how they are and ask if you can include them as a reference. When things go back to normal, you can invite them for coffee as a way of saying thanks.

Optimise your LinkedIn profile

Creating a robust LinkedIn profile can set you apart from other jobseekers so it’s important to have your profile up to date. Many people see LinkedIn as an online CV, a place to list their credentials and skills. But it’s also a great place to network virtually and share your thoughts and ideas. If the right person sees this, they could come looking for you, rather than the other way around.

As an aside, make sure the rest of your social media accounts are work appropriate too. Remove any negative content and make your profiles private if necessary.

Practice for video Interviews

Video job interviews have become, and will continue to be, an important part of the hiring process, especially post-pandemic. Prepare for video interviews now by rehearsing your technique using a tripod camera or video phone. 

Be patient

Finally, Breda Dooley says that while it’s difficult, do try to be patient. Employers have a lot on their plate right now as they navigate the Covid-19 threat and recruitment processes may be slower than usual when things eventually return to normal. But don’t give up hope. Be patient, but equally don’t be afraid to follow up with a company if you apply for a role. Your reminder could be the difference between landing a job in the future or not.

Matrix Recruitment is offering to review people’s CVs for free during the Covid-19 pandemic. At no cost and no obligation, the public can send their CV to the team at Matrix Recruitment for constructive comment. All reviews will be done in confidence. People can upload their CVs here.

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