Get your Teenage Kicks with the ultimate Northern Ireland playlist

To celebrate Northern Ireland’s wonderful heritage of being home to some of the world’s stand-out musicians, Discover NI has launched The Ultimate NI Playlist on Spotify.

From Van Morrison to Snow Patrol and The Undertones, the playlist features 100 iconic songs which will help you Embrace a Giant Spirit of Northern Ireland right from your own home during this time as we fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

The hand-picked playlist includes song titles to lift the spirits such as Foy Vance’s Upbeat Feelgood and Brian Kennedy’s Life, Love and Happiness.

There are songs to relax to such as the soothing sounds of Bap Kennedy’s Moonlight Kiss and tracks for rock fans like Ash’s Orpheus or The Answer’s Never Too Late.

Fiona Cunningham, Tourism NI ROI Market Manager, said: “Northern Ireland has become a global tourism destination, but we have always been lucky to have world class singers and songwriters hailing from our home turf.

“We appreciate this is a very difficult time for many people. We hope the collection of songs can help lift spirits during this difficult period and serve as a proud reminder of the extraordinary musical talent we have in NI. We are in this together and we will get through this together.

“Some songs will evoke memories of past concerts while others may be new to you. It gives you a chance to get re-acquainted with some of our best-loved music and enjoy some of NI’s best up-and-coming talent.

“We would love to hear your thoughts on the playlist. Follow Discover NI on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and join in the conversation on Northern Ireland’s talented musicians.”

To enjoy the music download Spotify and search for The Ultimate Northern Ireland Playlist.

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