Make... Fruit Soda Bannock by Tracey's Farmhouse Kitchen

You will need

250g soda bread flour 

I tsp bicarbonate of soda and

A pinch of salt 

60g dried fruit 

25g caster sugar 

200-250ml buttermilk  

10g butter 


Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl and then add sugar and fruit. Pour in the buttermilk. Mix lightly to form a loose dough. Grease a 10cm deep round cake or loaf tin. Turn the dough into the tin. I sprinkle some Demerara sugar on top – for some added crunch and great texture. Put into the oven for 20 minutes at 190 degrees/gas mark six. Reduce heat to 150 degrees gas mark two and cook for a further 30 minutes. Bread should be golden brown and crisp to the touch.  Turn out onto a clean cloth and leave on a wire rack. Serve with butter. Enjoy!  

To watch Tracey bake her fruit soda simply click on the here to view the video.

FoodWoman's Way