Parenting advice: how parents can help children to work from home?

In light of the current crisis a lot of parents and teenagers find themselves in new and unfamiliar territory. Parents having to assume the role of parent / teacher and them themselves having to work from home. There are going to be road bumps along the way but here are our five recommendations to keep some form of normality for you and your teen.


1.     Keep a routine. Get up and get dressed and stick to school timetable as much as possible. Create a good study environment so that they have a designated space to study from removed from the central hub of the house.

2.     Phones should only be permitted at lunch and break times and in the evening as constant communication with their friends will only lead to distraction. Restrict access to non – educational websites during school and evening study hours as its easy to kill a few hours surfing the net or social media websites and have achieved no new learning or revision for your time.

3.     Ask their teachers about course curriculum that should have been covered during this period. Students should follow their school timetable for covering course material. If they are coming into difficulty understanding they should email their teacher or go onto or other similar websites to access additional revision resources.

4.     Make sure they stay healthy and exercise. They can do this by eating a balanced diet that will get all the vitamins and minerals they need. A skipping rope is an inexpensive investment that can be used indoors and outdoors.

5.     Everyone keep a cool head and try not to flip the lid. It’s unprecedented times for all. Tell them not to worry that this virus will pass and life will get back to normal.

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