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Reader article: Mother's Day

I can best describe mothers as classical music. Beautiful, talented, powerful, strong and unconditionally impacting.

I have been very lucky blessed in fact to be born to a lady of fine speciality. My four brothers and three sisters have also had this good fortune. In fact, the good fortune of having such a woman in our lives has reached great grandchildren, those of my siblings. I don’t have any children of my own, however if that was to be my path, I would most definitely want to have the virtues my mother has for me and my brothers and sisters. As I grow older, I notice changes in myself, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

 I have often commented a loud to myself, “I’m turning into my mother”. Theses words would roll of my tongue as if it were a bad thing when indeed it’s a true blessing to have her virtues wake up inside myself. Its easy say mothers can be interfering, fictitious, and to some extreme cases controlling. Yet do we reflect long enough to ask ourselves why it is that mothers go to such lengths for their children.

 When our lady took her son down from the cross after the humans crucified him because he sowed love, it was evident that she was crucified alongside him. Every strike and blow that was given pierced the heart of her son, however it drove harder in the heart of his mother.

A mother has an almost instant entitlement to hurt as deeply as her children may hurt. A mother has the almost same entitlement to feel the same amount of joy her child/children may be feeling. The reasons for this are simple. Unconditional love.  I can now after all these years see why and how mothers react and retain and restore all that may have come to pass.

Why is it that mothers are so unbelievably wonderful, wonderful in their strengths and equally wonderful in their weakness for they are not always perfect, however they are and always will be love. Just love, they do the very best with what they got and drive on regardless.

Classical music will take you on a journey of highs and lows. It will talk to your every being, the more mature the music becomes the deeper it effects the soul. It has been my honest experience that my mother has had the very same effect on me. I can say I’m a daughter and a friend, I can look into her eyes and love her deeply. I can see her journey and many scars it left, scars my mother would not erase, as I believe she wouldn’t change a single thing, apart from maybe some goodbyes.

Her faith though, knows this too is only for now. The return to loved ones awaits. The rewards to mothers far out weight what we can say or give. For superheroes like mine, I will never be able to return the same love certainly not in this lifetime.

My kind words to you and to me for the fantastic mothers now and the mothers to be is this and no more. Keep trying to listen and take heed at what they say for the mothers of this world, they most certainly do know the way.

A short story by Fidelma Fitzgerald