Recipe: Baked white chocolate and mixed berry cheesecake

By Edward Hayden

Serves 6

Time Overnight


You will need

350g/12oz digestive biscuits

150g/5oz melted butter

300g/10oz cream cheese

200ml/7oz crème fraiche

250g/7oz sugar

35g/1oz cornflour

300g/10oz white chocolate, melted

4 eggs, lightly beaten

½ tsp vanilla extract

110g/4oz fresh or frozen mixed berries



1. Heat the oven to 120C/250˚F/Gas Mark 1. Line the base of a 9inch spring form tin with baking parchment.

2. Break the biscuits into fine crumbs and mix in the melted butter. Press the biscuits into the base of the tin in an even layer and allow to chill.

3. Place the cream cheese and crème fraiche into a large food mixer and beat together.

Add in the sugar and the cornflour. Blend until smooth, then add in the melted chocolate. Beat together the eggs and the vanilla essence and add them into the mixture as well. Again beat the mixture until a smooth consistency has been achieved.

Fold in the mixed berries at this stage.

4. Pour the mixture in on top of the biscuits and bake in the oven for approximately 60 minutes or a little longer required. The cheesecake may still be a little wobbly but don’t panic! Leave to cool for an hour or so and then transfer to the fridge and allow to cool properly, preferably overnight.

5. Remove from the tin and serve with whipped cream and if desired some mixed berry compote.

FoodWoman's Way