Recipe: Deconstructed seafood chowder

By Edward Hayden

Serves 6



You will need

2 sticks celery

1 leek, thinly sliced              

1 carrot, diced finely

A little butter

2 cloves of garlic, crushed

1 sprig thyme

25g/1oz plain flour

1 glass white wine

400ml/14fl oz fish stock

250ml/9fl oz pouring cream

1 tbsp basil/tarragon, chopped

½ shot Pernod                     

6-8 tbsp water

Juice 1 lemon

700g/1 ½ lb Selection of fish and shellfish (salmon, cod, smoked haddock, mussels, prawns)



1. Dice up vegetables into nice bite size pieces and sauté off in a little butter with garlic and thyme until they are glazed but without colour. Sprinkle in the flour and mix well

2. Add in white wine, fish stock and cream and allow the vegetables to cook out slightly. Entirely cook this mixture out (approx 10 minutes) to ensure the vegetables soften.

3. Season the soup style mixture at this stage by adding in some freshly chopped basil and/or tarragon together with the pernod. Keep warm until required

4. Meanwhile, in a deep sauté pan heat 6-8 tablespoons water with the lemon juice and when it is boiling add in the fish and shellfish (cut into chunky pieces)

Secure a tight fitting lid and Cook, very gently, for 5-6 minutes just until the fish is cooked.

5. Just after the fish is lightly poached strain it gently and serve in a large bowl with a jug of the chowder style soup. Serve immediately.

FoodWoman's Way