10 ways to boost your energy

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It can be hard to get yourself up and going in the first month of the year. With chilly weather and dark evenings still linger, our natural desire is to hibernate and give in to those urges to nap, relax and unwind. But what do you do when you still need to get things done? Here are some simple ways that you can boost your energy levels, meaning you can make the most of the last days of winter. Ready, set, go…

1. Get moving – It sounds counter-intuitive, but getting your body moving when you feel sluggish can have a huge impact on your energy levels. When you move, your heart immediately kicks into action, pumping more oxygen into your bloodstream. This extra oxygen allows your lungs and your cardiovascular system to work better, which in turn gives you a boost in energy. Try going for a brisk walk or a jog. You should start to feel your energy levels rising after about 10 minutes of moving. Plus as well as boosting your energy levels, by exercising you’ll also improve your mood and your overall sense of wellbeing.

2. Use food for restoration – When we feel tired we’re more like to reach for sugary food in attempt to get a quick ‘high.’ Instead of doing this get smarter with your snacking. Opt for foods that are rich in restorative nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, iron, magnesium and vitamin D. Try eating an apple with a teaspoon of almond butter or have a portion of nuts to keep your energy levels steady.

3. Take a power nap – Now we’re not talking about one of those epic snoozes where you wake up four hours later, but an efficient and strategically planned power nap can have amazing energy-boosting properties. The optimum power nap is 10-20 minutes long. This is just enough time to boost your energy without ruining your night’s sleep.

4. Spend some time outside – Did you know that most of us don’t get enough vitamin D? This is due to varying factors such as the cloudy Irish climate, working indoors and not spending enough time outside. If you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up try going outside for 20 minutes. If it’s a sunny day, sit somewhere where you can soak up vitamin D which is absorbed from the sun’s rays, but do be conscious that you don’t leave yourself open to getting sunburn.

5. Have a laugh – Not only does it bust stress and make you feel good, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Nebraska has shown that spending some time laughing can actually boost your energy levels too. If ever there was an excuse to watch a great comedy or some funny videos on YouTube this is it…

6. Chew on it – According to a study from Coventry University, chewing gum can help you to feel more alert and awake, especially if you chew mint flavoured gum. The repetitive motion of chewing can also help to boost your concentration.

7. Take a deep breath – As well as lowering stress levels and helping you to cultivate the ancient art of mindfulness, taking deep, full breaths helps to get your blood pumping. As with exercise, the more your blood pumps, the more oxygen that’s delivered to your brain, lungs and other organs meaning you’ll enjoy a boost of energy. Try inhaling for a count of three, holding for two and exhaling for a count of five.

8. Stay hydrated – Even the slightest hint of dehydration can cause mental fatigue, headaches, poor concentration and a decrease in energy, so make sure that you’re drinking your recommended eight glasses of water per day. This will ensure that you’re performing at your peak and feeling your best.

9. Let the light in – Feeling sleeping? If so, check the weather. If it’s a darker-than-usual day or you’re sitting in a dark room, your circadian rhythms could be to blame for the plummet in your energy levels. Our circadian rhythms are designed to prepare us for sleep when it gets dark. Try turning on a light or opening the curtains to help you feel more alert.

10. Be careful with the caffeine – Having a cup of coffee can significantly perk you up, but imbibing it after 2pm can have a negative impact on your night’s sleep. For best results, aim for a cup of coffee between the hours of 9-10am. That way the effects of that cup should last for most of the morning and you’ll be indulging well before the 2pm deadline, meaning your night’s sleep shouldn’t be affected.



WellbeingWoman's Way