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20 Questions with... Alison Curtis Presenter/Producer Weekend Breakfast TODAY FM

1.    What is your first memory?  One of my earliest memories was running around our yard at our cottage when my twin and I were probably only about 4. There was as really muddy swampy patch of land just behind the house and I remember her getting stuck in and we panicked. My dad came along quickly and pulled her out but I remember much sucking up her rain boot! I don’t know if dad fished it out or cut our loses


2. The last thing you think about before falling asleep is... I would often think about show ideas. I often find it hard to fall asleep as I am thinking up projects, or what if ideas and things to get onto my weekend shows. I will admit I find it hard to fully switch off. I am bad for being on my phone as well so 2020 is all about reading more and less screen time.


3. Who is the most interesting person you've ever met? Honestly in my job, and interviewing people every week on my shows, I meet interesting people all the time. Recently I had an in-depth interview with Andrea Corr which I really enjoyed, she was so warm and open. I had Gordon D’Arcy and Paul Howard on the year about their joint kids book and it was a total laugh. I’ve also interviewed Chris Hadfield three times and he is fascinating. Another recent guest has been Dara O’Briain who is incredibly interesting. It is a long list….


4. Have you ever been in love? Yes! Thankfully I married him. I met my hubby Anton Hegarty in 2002 in Whelans in Dublin where all great romances start, in a pub! And it was close to love at first sight. I was certainly well on my way to loving him by our 3rd date.


5. Who would be your ideal dinner guest? I would love to have over for dinner, Maya Rudolph, Debbie Harry, Jane Fonda, Tina Fey,  Amy Poehler, Meryl Streep, Tiffany Haddish, Lizzo, the whole cast of Schitt's Creek, again it is a very long list!


6. Happiness is... Being with my family and everyone is healthy and happy. I consider my immediate family to be my hubby, daughter and twin and when the 4 of us are together just hanging out either here or in Canada, that is when I am happiest.


7. Who would play you in a film adaptation of your life? I love Tina Fey, I feel I am a lot like her, well certainly I am like her character Liz Lemon in 30 Rock. Loves cupcakes, people and laughing and a little bit clumsy.


8. What could you not live without? My phone. I am fully aware of my addiction, once it was just Twitter and Facebook but now I am utterly addicted to Instagram and have dumped Facebook. We do rely on social media so much for connecting with listeners and doing what we do on air but I could put it down a bit more often. 


9. Tell us a secret. I don’t have any, I tell everyone, everything! But I can keep secrets very well…


10. Why are we here? I think we are here to do our best. To live well, treat others as we want to be treated. But also to have a good time and to enjoy the people we have in our lives. Life is so short and there are so many things in my past I wish I just hadn’t worried about but that comes with getting a little older and wiser.


11. What's your greatest vice? I was always a red wine girl, but over the past year have gravitated towards a nice white vino!


12. You are inspired by... My twin sister Karen inspires me to be a better person. She is the most kind, patient and accommodating person I know.  She is also incredibly independent and nothing seems to be too much for her. She is a social worker and she has operated in many difficult situations and she has such calm and reassurance about her it is amazing.


13. The song you're most likely to sing at karaoke is... First of all no one wants to hear me sing karaoke, I am definitely not a singer. But if I was forced to it would have to be the best song in the world Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen!


14. What is your guiltiest pleasure? Online shopping after said glass of vino! I know a lot of folks who do that, and I am pretty measured about it as in it doesn’t happen too often.


15. What is your happiest memory? I recently went to Quinta Do Lago in Portugal with my husband and daughter and she was so unbelievably happy to run into the waves of the ocean and walk along the sand. Her happiness was so strong I know that these memories will stay with me forever.


16. Where is your favourite place in the whole world? I have a family cottage in Canada that has been in the family for 80 years. My sister and I spent so much of our childhood there. My happiest memories with my parents all happened there, so I would have to say that it is my favourite place in the whole world. Co Clare would come in as a close second!


17. The movie/s you could watch again and again is/are... All of the original Star Wars! I mean Han Solo! I loved introducing movies from my childhood to my daughter like ET, the Princess Bride, The Dark Crystal and so many more classics.


18. What makes you angry? I really really can’t stand aggressive and careless drivers. Tailgaters make my blood boil its just so pointless and arrogant on their behalf.


19. What would you like to be remembered for? The one thing I have always taken great pride in is when people comment on how kind and thoughtful my daughter is for her age. I think thinking of others and being kind to everyone is the best thing a person can aim for. 


20. What are you working on right now? Along with presenting Weekend Breakfast on Today FM every Saturday and Sunday I have launched a new parenting podcast with the HSE and Today FM called Childs Play. We have a panel of experts on taking expecting parents and new parents through the highs and lows of the first 5 years of their child’s life.

 Alison presents her Weekend Breakfast Show on Today FM every Saturday and Sunday morning, 8am-11am