Create positive change


Simple ways to help you feel better in 10 minutes or less.

By Amy Wall.

1. TAKE 10 MINUTES… to visualise – Visualisation is a powerful practice and one that has been utilised by business people, athletes and weightlifters for years. In fact, countless studies over the years have shown that visualisation can have a positive impact when it comes to helping us achieve our goals. If you’d like to utilise this simple, but powerful process, here’s an easy exercise you can do. Every day, spend ten minutes visualising yourself as radiant, confident and happy. Our brains are so susceptible to our thoughts and by practicing a positive visualisation about yourself, you’re actively encouraging yourself to ‘grow’ into that visualisation until it becomes a reality. Try it for three weeks and you should notice a difference in yourself.

2. LIFT IT UP for 10 minutes – If you’re not already incorporating some resistance training into your routine, here are few reasons why you should. Weight lifting helps to keep your bones strong and healthy, it boosts your immune system, it boosts your metabolism, it reduces the risks of falls, it improves balance, it lowers inflammation in the body and it can improve your posture and energy levels. With so many benefits, it makes sense to try it out, no? Start small and aim to do some light resistance training for 10 minutes every second or third day. It’s absolutely essential to learn how to lift weights properly, so do seek out the help of a gym instructor and, as always, consult with your GP if you have any injuries or pre-existing medical conditions.

3. MOVE for 10 minutes every half hour – In this day and age, a lot of us are confined to desk jobs or sedentary lifestyles. However, according to a study from the Columbia University Medical Centre, if you move your body every half an hour, it could help to limit the negative impact a sedentary lifestyle can have. So the next time you have to sit for a prolonged period of time, make sure that you get up and move for 10 minutes every half an hour.

4. FOLLOW YOUR PASSION for 10 minutes (at least) every day – And by passion we mean those things that you absolutely love. Whether it’s knitting, writing, dancing or playing a sport, it’s essential to make time every day for your passion. Even if it is just 10 minutes. Why is this so important? Well, doing things that makes us happy enhances the serotonin levels in our brains which means our bodies are getting flooded with feel-good hormones on a regular basis. This helps to reduce stress and has a positive impact on our mental health. If you don’t know what your passion is, why not dedicate some time to trying some new hobbies or engaging in some new experiences?

5. LISTEN… to this song for 10 minutes – Feeling stressed out or anxious? Go on YouTube, search for the song ‘Weightless’ by Marconi Union and listen for 10 minutes. Specifically constructed to calm and soothe anxiety, this song was created in collaboration with sound therapists and is made up of carefully arranged harmonies, rhythms and bass lines designed to slow your heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower cortisol levels.

6. TAKE 10 MINUTES… to ask for help – If you’re going through a hard time or struggling, take 10 minutes today to reach out and ask for help. Whether it’s asking a friend to meet you for a cuppa, making a GP appointment or even picking up the phone and giving The Samaritans a call, there’s absolutely no shame in asking for help and often, asking for help is the first step towards feeling better.

7. PRACTICE 10 minutes of self-massage – Self-massage is an integral part of the ancient wellness practice of Ayurveda. Self-massage is a simple activity that not only feels good, it helps us to connect with, love and accept our bodies. It also helps to detox the body, lower stress levels, moisturise skin and nourishes the body. To practice yourself, all you need is a natural oil. You might try almond oil or coconut oil. Warm it in your hands and then begin to gently massage your body. Take as long as you need and really focus on soothing any areas that are full of tension or that feel tender. When you’ve finished, allow the oil to dry before you get dressed and be careful if you’re walking on tiles – oil can get a little slippy.

8. WATCH THE STARS… for 10 minutes – Not everyone will be able to do this, but if you live in an area where there’s no light pollution, you absolutely should try it. On a clear night, wrap up, pop outside and spend 10 minutes watching the stars. This is a simple activity that helps to put our lives into perspective. It reminds us of how small we are and how wonderful the world actually is. Take a few deep breaths and savour the moment. You might even be lucky enough to see a shooting star.

9. GO OFFLINE for 10 days – If you’re up for a challenge, why not undertake a digital detox for 10 days? Various studies have shown that spending excessive amounts of time on social media and devices can have a large impact on our mental and physical health. From lower moods to physical issues like neck pain and eye strain, every so often it can be a fantastic idea to take a step back and remember what life was like without being constantly connected. How you conduct your detox is up to you. You can give up your phone, avoid social media or resolve to avoid all forms of online activity. Decide what works for you and commit to doing it for 10 days. You may find the process so beneficial that you decide to do it every few months.

10. SORT YOUR SCHEDULE… for 10 minutes – Aim to take 10 minutes every day to review your calendar or planner. This allows for a less stressful day overall and gives you the chance to schedule in any essential self-care that needs to take place. When you have a plan and know what you’re doing, your brain is able to process things in a calmer manner. This is a proactive way to ease feelings of overwhelm.

11. LISTEN TO NATURE SOUNDS for 10 minutes – The next time you’re feeling stressed or anxious, it might be a good idea to listen to some nature sounds. Researchers at Brighton and Sussex Medical School have shown that nature sounds lower our fight-or-flight instinct and activate our autonomic nervous system – the system responsible for calming us down. Hop on to YouTube or and you’ll find a wealth of calming soundscapes to listen to or, even better, simply step outside and listen to the bird song and wind. It will help you to feel calmer, happier and more at peace.

WellbeingWoman's Way