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We all know about the health benefits brought about by eating well, exercising regularly and generally looking after ourselves, but what about the health benefits brought about by intimacy? Intimacy is something that is an essential part of human life and it offers us a host of positives. Here’s why cosying up with another is so good for us…

1. It reduces stress -  A satisfying sex life not only boosts our moods and helps us to feel more optimistic, it also reduces stress and enhances relaxation. During physical intimacy, the ‘happy’ hormone Oxytocin is released. Not only does this little hormone help us to bond with our partners, it also helps to regulate blood pressure and body temperature and can even relieve physical pain.

2. It boosts your immunity – Couples who have sex one or two times a week have significantly higher levels of a little thing called immunoglobulin I or ‘IgA’. This is your body’s first line of defence and helps you to fight off any invading bugs which may go one to make you sick. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania put this theory to the test and observed significantly higher levels of IgA in research participants who had sex twice a week in comparison to those who had sex less often.

3. It can help to improve bladder control – Incontinence affects an estimated 30 per cent of women at some point in their lives and can be an embarrassing condition. Having regular sex has been shown to help strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which are essential for bladder control. Yes, practicing intimacy with your partner is a fantastic workout for your pelvic floor and can help you to gain that all-important strength in that area.

4. It’s a type of exercise – Hate slogging it out at the gym? Turn to your partner instead. Research published in the Public Library of Science journal found that having sex is a fantastic form of exercise and is a great choice when used in conjunction with more formal types of exercise such as cardiovascular activity. Having sex burns an estimated five calories per minute, bumps up your heart rate in a very gentle way and engages certain muscles. However, like with regular exercise it’s important to be consistent in order to reap the full benefits.

5. It improves sleep – Sleep is so essential for helping our bodies to heal and renew, and if you struggle when it comes to hitting the hay, sex could be the answer. According to research published in the Journal of Women’s Health, regular sex decreases the production of cortisol, the hormone which causes stress. This hormonal change, coupled with the extra Oxytocin in your body after having sex, leaves you feeling relaxed and helps you to dose off easier. Your estrogen levels also increase after doing the deed and this can help to enhance your REM cycle, which results in a deeper, more restorative sleep.

6. It’s good for your heart – Aside from raising your heart rate, sex also helps to balance your levels of estrogen and testosterone. If either of these levels start to drop, you may experience heart-related and other health issues. According to various studies over the years, having more sex is beneficial for keeping these hormones in sync and apparently men who have sex at least twice a week have a lowered risk of developing heart disease.

7. It boosts your libido – If you wish your intimate life was a little more exciting, the first thing you should do is start having more sex. Yes, according to sexperts from the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, having more sex will make your sex life better and give your libido a major boost. Sex helps to keep our sex drives in tip-top condition and has a positive impact on our bodies, which makes us crave more of it, the more we have it.

8. It’ll help you feel healthier – A study of 3,000 Americans aged between 57 and 85 revealed that those who were having regular sex felt better than those who weren’t. The study, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that being in love with your sexual partner also helped, with more people in close and loving relationships saying they felt better than those who weren’t.

9. It helps you to look younger – Yes, believe it or not, regular sex helps to stimulate the release and balance of estrogen and testosterone, which help to keep you looking young and full of vitality. You’re also likely to have improved skin and glossier hair as a result. According to researchers who studied a panel of women, women who had sex at least four times per week with a regular partner were perceived to be seven to 12 years younger than they actually were.

10. It extends your life – The secret to living longer? It’s more sex. While many factors contribute to longevity, experts have found that having an active sex life is an easy way to add some extra years to your life.