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It comes around every year like clockwork. As soon as the seasons start to change, you get that familiar tickle at the back of your throat. You go to bed feeling a little tired and by the time you wake up the next morning, it’s almost hard to imagine a time when you weren’t sick. Yes, we’re talking about the dreaded head cold.

During this time of year, a lot of sniffles are going around, and if you’ve ever been laid up with a particularly bad head cold, you’ll know just how miserable it can make you feel. So aside from visiting your pharmacist and getting sorted out with an over-the-counter treatment to ease your symptoms, what else can you do?

There are a host of natural remedies out there, but do they actually work? Here’s our handy guide to what offers relief and what doesn’t.

Soothe a sore throat and cough with Raw honey

Raw honey is honey that is in its natural state, meaning it doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners. Raw honey is a powerhouse of antioxidants which can prevent damage from free radicals in your body. It’s also home to a host of vitamins and minerals, and has powerful antibacterial and antiviral effects. If your throat is killing you, take a teaspoon and swallow. Honey helps to coat your throat which can offer relief and ease a cough.

Does it work? Yes. According to experts, using honey offers some of the same benefits as taking an over-the-counter remedy which contains dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in cough medicine.

Take vitamin C to stop a cold

Since the 1970s there’s been a common belief that vitamin C can actually stop a cold dead in its tracks. Vitamin C helps the body to stay strong and healthy, and contributes to the maintenance of bones, muscles and blood vessels.

Does it work? Vitamin C has been studied for years as a way of treating colds, but according to the many studies done on it, vitamin C has little to no effect on the common cold. However, it can help you avoid getting sick if you take it as a preventative measure. For best results, consider adding some extra vitamin C to your diet shortly before cold season comes around.

Drink water to help you feel better                                        

We’re all well aware of the benefits of drinking more water. From losing weight to stopping headaches, in general, water can be a wonder cure. But how effective is it when it comes to helping you weather your way through a nasty cold? The answer, according to experts, is very effective.

Does it work? Yes. When we have a cold we tend to lose essential bodily fluids from runny noses and sweating. This can cause us to become dehydrated which can make our cold symptoms seem even worse. When you’re sick the best thing you can do is to stay as hydrated as possible as it will help you to feel better. Aim for the recommended eight glasses of water per day.

Eat ginger to help clear up congestion, stop nausea and soothe aching muscles

Is there anything that this warming spice can’t do? For centuries ginger has been used in alternative medicine to stop sickness, aches and more. You can use fresh ginger, dried ginger, powdered or ginger tea.

Does it work? Yes. Ginger contains a powerful group of compounds known as ‘gingerol’. This group of compounds is incredibly potent and is naturally anti-flamatorry. According to a study from the UCLA Centre for East-West medicine, gingerol helps to suppress mucus production which in turn relieves the ‘stuffy head’ feeling you get with a bad cold. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can also help to relieve swollen nasal membranes which can help with congestion and soothe swollen muscles which cause aches and pains. Gingerol is also very effective at stopping feelings of nausea.

Use eucalyptus oil to help you breathe

With its fresh minty scent, eucalyptus oil is a common natural remedy for clearing congestion while sick. Extracted from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, it’s a common ingredient in many over-the-counter remedies.

Does it work? Yes! Eucalyptus oil is a powerful decongestant and helps to clear the airwaves. Experts have also noticed that eucalyptus encourages the body to experience an uptake in oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream. Despite many studies into how this happens, experts are still unsure how it actually works, but it is an effective home ready that you can try when you’re feeling blocked up. For best results, add 10 drops to a bowl of boiling water. Lean over the bowl with a towel draped over your head and inhale deeply. Please note that you should never get undiluted eucalyptus oil on your skin as it can burn and cause a reaction.