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Hack your health

With all the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be hard to find the time to really take care of ourselves. Exercise and eating well can become a full time job in and of themselves. The good news is that starting to feel better doesn’t mean that you have to go gung-ho and start running 20 miles per day. The best path to health and wellness is one that is made up of small, sustainable and simple steps. If you’re ready to start feeling better with minimal fuss and effort, here are some smart and savvy health hacks you can start trying immediately.

Time to downsize – We’re all guilty of over-eating and an easy way you can begin to cut back is to pay attention to the size of your plate. Swap your usual dinner plate for a smaller one. You’ll eat less without feeling deprived.

Portion control – When crisps and sweets are in big bags, it makes it easy for us to eat too much. Spend five minutes separating your treats into recommended daily portion sizes and then put them in separate zip-lock bags. This will help you to still enjoy your favourite treats but without overdoing it.

Lemon love – Drink a glass of lukewarm water containing the juice of half a lemon first thing every morning. This helps your organs to wake up and kick-starts the body’s detoxification process. It can also help to improve your digestion.

Switch it off – Sleep is an essential part of a healthy life and if you’re struggling to nod off, a simple way you can combat insomnia is by switching off all technology at least 30 minutes before bed. The longer you can go without staring at a screen before you hit the hay, the better. If you must use your phone, switch on the night time viewing feature to help ease the sleep-disrupting blue light which comes from the screen.

Go deeper – To ensure you get the most from your sleep, invest in an eye mask. An eye mask ensures that you’ll sleep in pure darkness. When you sleep in this type of darkness, the brain’s production of melatonin increases which helps us to nod faster and sleep deeper.

Soothe sore muscles – Did you hit the gym a little too hard? Add some fresh ginger to your post-workout meal or smoothie. According to researchers at the University of Georgia, eating two grams of raw ginger can help to improve post-workout muscle soreness by a massive 25 per cent.

Write it down – Spend five minutes every day writing down exactly what you eat. By logging your food choices, you’ll automatically find yourself opting for healthier meals and making better decisions when it comes to food. 

Boost your mood – Feeling down? Spend a few moments sniffing some orange essential oil. This oil helps to boost your mood, reduce anxiety and make you feel more alert. It can also help to improve concentration.

Try stillness – We’ve all heard about the benefits of meditation, but the act of sitting and trying to clear your mind for hours isn’t that appealing. The good news is that even two minutes of daily meditation can help you to feel better and it’s incredibly easy to get started. Simply sit down, relax and pay attention to your breath. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath. By doing this on a regular basis, you’ll start to feel clearer and happier.

Swap your regular cuppa – Try to replace one cup of regular tea or coffee with a cup of herbal tea every day. As well as being tasty beverages, herbal teas also have health-boosting benefits. For example, a hot cup of chamomile tea can help you sleep and peppermint tea can help digestion.

Step up – Whenever you have the choice, always opt for the stairs. This is such an easy way to sneak in some extra cardiovascular activity and when it comes to movement, every little bit adds up.

Prep your lunch – Spend some time on a Sunday making up your packed lunches for work for the week. You’ll save yourself time and hassle when you don’t have to worry about what to eat for your lunch every morning. Pre-packed homemade lunches are also an incredibly easy way to eat healthily without having to try that hard.

Carry a bottle – Dehydration can cause headaches, tiredness and poor concentration. Because of this it’s important to keep your hydration levels topped up every day. An easy way to do this (and to stop you chugging down fizzy drinks) is to invest in a big water bottle and carry it with you every day. That way you’ll always have fresh water to hand, making it easier to keep up your hydration habit.