Make... Lamb and Lentil Bobotie

Research from Meat and Dairy Facts, carried out in partnership with Red C, has revealed that there is a very real appetite for meat and dairy among Irish consumers with 8 in 10 grocery shoppers agreeing both meat and dairy provide essential nutrients not easily obtained elsewhere. The research also states that as many at 69% would never consider eliminating meat and dairy completely.

All that being said, 60% wish they knew more about the benefits of meat and dairy for their health. Only one in 4 admit to understanding how meat and dairy compares nutritionally with plant-based alternatives.

Irish families want to make informed decisions but have stated that they feel there is a lack of clear and accessible information, with this being cited as a reason for some of them becoming more cautious of the meat and dairy industry.

Ireland’s leading Dietitian, Orla Walsh has come together with Meat and Dairy Facts to fill that knowledge gap and to educate people on the role both meat and dairy can play in a healthy, balanced and sustainable diet. Lilly Higgins has developed some recipes, our favourite of which is below, which focus on some lovely Irish meat and dairy products.

Further information on Meat and Dairy Facts can be found here.

Lamb & Lentil Bobotie (Serves 6)


1 tbsp. olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, crushed

450g (1lb) minced lamb

200g carrot, peeled & roughly grated

2 tsp curry powder

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp turmeric

1 tbsp dried dill

400g tin cooked puy lentils (240g drained weight)

2 tbsp mango chutney

1 tbsp white wine vinegar

2 tbsp water

4 bay leaves

Salt & black pepper


100ml natural yogurt

150ml milk

2 eggs

2 tsp turmeric




Preheat the oven to 180C. Heat the oil in a large pan over a medium heat.

Cook the onions until soft, add the garlic and cook for another few minutes before adding the minced lamb

Cook for two minutes stirring well to combine. Add the carrot, spices, dill, chutney, and seasoning; stir well.

Cook for five minutes, stirring every minute or so to combine.

Add the lentils, vinegar and water. Mix gently until everything is combined. Taste for seasoning.

Spoon the meat mixture into a shallow ovenproof dish and smooth the surface.

Whisk the topping ingredients together until smooth.

Pour the topping over the meat, lay a few bay leaves on top and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the topping is golden and set.

FoodWoman's Way