Simple self-care

1. Take 10 minutes to… LEARN something new

Could learning something new make you feel happier? The answer is yes. According to researchers from the Winston-Salem State University, people who engage in a variety of novel experiences are more likely to experience positive emotions. Learning something new doesn’t have to be complicated, especially in this age of internet where a new skill is just a click away. Try downloading free language app DuoLingo where you can learn to speak a new language in as little as 10 minutes a day. Or, failing that, hop onto YouTube and search for a how-to video on something you’re interested in.

2. Spend 10 minutes… READING something wonderful

There’s nothing like the escapism brought about by reading a gripping book but did you know reading a little every day can have a huge impact on your sense of wellbeing? Reading can help you switch off and relax. According to a study from Sussex University, spending some time reading every day can reduce feelings of stress by as much as 68 per cent. So the next time you have 10 free minutes, instead of reaching for your mobile phone, pick up a good book instead.

3. Take 10 minutes to… VISUALISE a positive outcome

Visualisation is a skill that has been utilised for years by athletes, actors and leaders and, according to psychologists, it’s something we should all be using for a happier outlook. Visualisation helps to boost confidence and positivity by helping you to believe that you’ve already achieved your goal or desire. According to research published in the Journal of Consulting Psychology found that visualising yourself as successful achieving your goals can alter your mind in significant ways including boosting your confidence and mental preparedness. This week visualise yourself achieving a long held dream. Whether it’s finally writing a novel or getting a new job, every morning spend 10 minutes feeling what it would be like to achieve this. At the end of the week you should find yourself feeling much more inspired when it comes to taking steps towards your goal.

4. NOTICE BEAUTY… for 10 minutes

Countless studies have shown that pausing for 10 minutes every day to appreciate natural beauty can boost feelings of wellbeing, increase our sense of generosity and enhance our overall satisfaction in life. Spend 10 minutes today admiring a beautiful flower in your garden, a spectacular sunset or the patterns the rain makes on your windows during a drizzly day.

5. GO TO BED… 10 minutes earlier

Boost your mood and your energy levels by heading to bed 10 minutes earlier every night this week. When we’re sleep deprived or not sleeping well, just getting through the day can seem hard, so give yourself the gift of 10 minutes extra under the covers. According to researchers, hitting the hay a little earlier can help you to wake up feeling more refreshed and rested. Try it for a week and see if you want to make an earlier bed time a permanent thing.

6. Spend 10 minutes… EMBRACING a loved one

When was the last time you had a good cuddle with your nearest and dearest? Whether you’re hugging your partner, your child, a sibling or a four-legged friend, researchers have found that practicing physical affection can have a huge impact on our happiness and our health. Touch automatically releases oxytocin, the feel-good ‘happy’ hormone into our blood stream. A huge also leaves us feeling less stressed, loved and emotional supported. Have a cuddle party with a loved one for 10 minutes and you’ll feel so much better.

7.  Take 10 minutes to… TALK to your plants

Are your houseplants looking a little lacklustre? Give them a boost by having a chat with them this week. According to research conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society, chatting with (or reading to) your plants will help them to grow faster and flourish. Surprisingly the results also found that the sound of a female voice was more effective. Combine this with the aforementioned 10 minutes of reading per day and try reading your book aloud so both you (and your plants) can benefit.

8. CLEAR YOUR SPACE… for 10 minutes

Lift the energy in your home and invite in some positive vibes by practicing the ancient art of space clearing (or ‘smudging’). Smudging originates from Native American practices and has been around for thousands of years. It is believed that regularly smudging your home will help to remove spiritual and emotional negativity, get rid of stress and promote an atmosphere of peace. To try it yourself purchase a sage bundle (usually found in your local health food shop or holistic shop). Open all the windows in your home and then light the sage so some smoke rises from the bundle. Move around your house from room to room, wafting the smoke into every corner. Make sure you hold a dish under the sage bundle to collect any falling ashes. Once you’ve finished close the windows. Your home should feel lighter and brighter. For best results repeat every three months.

9. PLAN SOMETHING FUN… for 10 minutes

There’s nothing better than looking forward to something, and according to researchers anticipation is an important part of satisfaction in life. Spend 10 minutes this week planning something that you can look forward to. Whether it’s booking that summer holiday or simply purchasing a book you’ve always wanted to read, we guarantee it will give you a boost.

10. Take 10 minutes to… CANCEL something

That party you don’t want to go to, that boring work event, no matter what it is, spend 10 minutes cancelling it. Letting ourselves off the hook every now and then can be incredibly beneficial for our mental health. Why does it feel so good to cancel? Well according to researchers, cancelling offers us some much-needed down time. In this day and age our schedules are often packed meaning we get very little time for ourselves in which to unwind. So if there’s something you really don’t want to do, opt for self-care by cancelling instead and enjoy your down time (just don’t make a habit of cancelling every single invite!).

11. GET GROUNDED… for 10 minutes

Boost your wellbeing this week by spending 10 minutes outside walking in your bare feet. It sounds strange but this practice, known as ‘earthing’, has been shown to decrease stress and tension, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, boost your mood and leave you feeling strong and centred. Practiced a lot in holistic movements, modern science is only just recently catching up to the benefits. Try it yourself for a week and see how you get on.



WellbeingWoman's Way