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Try this at home: Tuneomancy

A relatively new phenomenon, Tuneomancy is a skill that is quite easy to learn with practice and can yield incredibly accurate results.

How is a reading carried out?

The reading is usually done without the sitter (person who is having the reading) present. A psychic will sit down and focus on the sitter’s question and then using a ‘shuffle’ function, will choose a song at random. It’s believed that the song or instrumental piece of music will contain important information for the sitter.

Is this done with instrumental or lyrical music?

This depends very much on the skill of the psychic who is conducting the reading. If you’re trying this practice at home, it’s best to begin with lyrical music as it’s much easier to ‘decode’ than instrumental music.

But how does the music offer information?
As with all psychic readings, the music is essentially a tool that’s used by the psychic to help them ‘tune in’ to their own psychic or intuitive ability. The music might, for example, encourage the psychic to feel something which is relevant to the sitter or offer up visions that the psychic can then interpret for the sitter.

Can I try this?
Absolutely. Tuneomancy is a fun practice that you can use yourself at home. To try it out, think of a question or ask for some guidance. When you feel ready, either turn on your mp3 player to shuffle mode or switch on your radio to a random music station. The first song that you hear will offer you the information that you need.

But how do I decode a song?
Decoding a song or some music will get easier the more you practice and the more your intuition grows. Try asking yourself some of the following questions:
• How does the song make you feel?
• What images does this song bring to mind?
• How do they relate to your question?
• What about the lyrics? What’s the song about?
• What does your intuition want you to know about this song?

Growing the strength of your intuition takes time, but you should find that the more you practice, the more accurate your interpretations of these songs (in relation to your questions) become.