Take 10 minutes for positive self-care

1. 10 minutes to… EASIER CONFRONTATION

Confrontation can be a scary thing, but it can also push us to grow and step into our own power. If confrontation seems daunting to you, this simple step will help to grow your confidence and encourage you to speak up. When facing a conflict take 10 minutes to write a list of everything you could gain by speaking up. Would your relationship with this person improve? Would you feel empowered and happier? Get specific. Read over your list a few times and you should find yourself gaining courage. If you feel like you’re going to back out, read the list again until you feel comfortable speaking up.

2. DO 10 THINGS in 10 minutes

Have 10 minutes to spare? Don’t waste them by sitting down in front of the television. Instead pick 10 simple things that you can do and challenge yourself to get them done within 10 minutes. You’ll be surprised by how much you can achieve. Whether it’s putting away the dishes in the dishwasher, making your bed or swapping out the bags in the bin, set your mind to it and then bask in the sense of achievement you feel once all these small, niggly things are complete.

3. BEAT FEAR in 10 minutes

Are you putting something off because you’re a bit frightened? Whether it’s a conversation, a meeting or a big step that you need to take in your personal life, set yourself a deadline. Yes, it sounds simplistic, but setting a deadline can give you the rush of adrenaline you need to overcome your fear. Take out your calendar or diary and spend 10 minutes setting a sensible deadline for when you need to overcome your fear.

4. TAKE 10 MINUTES TO… Reduce your choices

This tip is something that business people swear by. If you find yourself suffering from decision-making fatigue because you have too many daily choices, do as CEOs tend to do and spend 10 minutes eliminating some of your choices. Whether you opt to wear a daily uniform to reduce the panic of deciding what to wear or spend your 10 minutes drawing up a set weekly menu, all of this will save you time in the long run. You’ll also find yourself less bogged down by too many decisions, meaning your mind will feel clearer.

5. LEARN BODY LANGUAGE in 10 minutes

Learning basic body language can help to improve your communication skills and your perception. It’s also a simple and enjoyable skill that can be learned in 10 minutes. Pick one aspect of body language, such as how to tell if someone is lying to you and spend 10 minutes swotting up on the tell-tale signs that someone is telling porkies. Then, once you’re familiar with the basic tells, spend 10 minutes every day practicing your new skill.

6. 10 minutes to… BETTER CONVERSATION

Improve your conversational skills in 10 minutes by asking more questions. Questions are fantastic at encouraging people to reveal more of themselves, meaning we create a deeper connection to them. With the right question, you could discover something you’ve never known about a close friend or an acquaintance. What type of questions should you ask? Here are three examples:

·      What do you love to do in your spare time?

·      Has a teacher ever changed your life? What did they do?

·      If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

7. TAKE 10 MINUTES TO… Craft a morning ritual

A meaningful morning routine sets the tone for your entire day. The old saying is true – if you start your day right, you’ll finish it right. Many of the greatest minds in the world had personal morning rituals. Tchaikovsky used to rise early to read philosophy, while Beethoven insisted on having a cup of the finest coffee before beginning his day. Morning rituals can add a sense of deep peace to our day and it’s something that doesn’t have to be drawn out or overwhelming. This week create a small morning ritual that you can do within 10 minutes. Whether it’s taking 10 minutes to read a book before work, 10 minutes to meditate or 10 minutes to sit and enjoy your breakfast, put it in your diary and devote yourself to it for one week. Chances are you’ll find yourself feeling happier and much more relaxed.

8. SPEND 10 MINUTES… Ripening an avocado

Frustrated waiting for your nutrient-rich avocado to ripen? Here’s a handy hack you can use.  Preheat your oven to 200C, wrap your avocado in tin foil and set on the timer for 10 minutes. When your timer goes off, you’ll have a perfectly ripe avocado to eat once it cools down. You might have to toggle the time, depending on the avocado, but the rule of thumb is that 10 minutes should be fine.

9. JOURNAL TO REDUCE STRESS… in 10 minutes

Various research has proven that adopting a daily journaling habit can help to reduce stress and anxiety and help you to clarify and understand your thoughts and feelings. It can also have an impact on your physical body. In fact, research from the University of Texas found that journaling regularly can actually strengthen your immune system through its stress relieving properties. To get started, all you have to do is write for 10 minutes every day. Write down how you feel, if there’s anything bothering you and just let it all out onto the paper. With repeated efforts you should find yourself experiencing a reduction in your stress levels.


Studies have shown that memorising songs is very healthy for your brain and will improve your mental capacity. Spend 10 minutes listening to the song carefully and then try to sing along. Listening intently and then reconstructing the song engages the focus centre of your brain causing it to reduce a chemical called acetylcholine which enables brain plasticity and helps to make your memory more vivid.

11. SPEND 10 MINUTES… Reading up on your Love Language

If you’re in a relationship (or looking for one) the best thing you can do is learn your love language. The idea of a ‘love language’ comes from the celebrated relationship book The Five Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman. The five languages refer to how we communicate with our partners as individuals and, likewise, how they communicate with us. The idea being that if we learn our own (and our partner’s) love language we are better able to communicate with them, thus improving our relationship as a whole. You can learn your love language with a simple 10 minute test you can take online at www.5lovelanguages.com Take the test yourself, then ask your partner to take it and compare your results.

12. WRITE A THANK YOU NOTE in 10 minutes

Boost your mental health by taking 10 minutes to pen a thank you card. Researchers at Kent State University found that a group who wrote three thank you letters over a three week period of time reported feeling happier, less depressed and experienced a greater sense of life satisfaction. Whether it’s to a friend or a loved one (or even to yourself), put pen to paper and get those good feelings flowing.