KNOW THE SIGNS: World Suicide Prevention Day

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Today is World Suicide Prevention Day and Pieta, the suicide prevention charity, has just launched a new campaign.

The ‘Signs of Suicide’ campaign is a public awareness drive to help people identify what signs to watch and listen out for if someone they know is considering taking their own life.

When someone we love is behaving in a worrying way, it can be very difficult to know how to help them. By knowing the ‘Signs of Suicide’ you can help your loved one.


Signs to listen for:

·      Talking or writing about hurting themselves, dying or saying that they want to die

·      Talking about ways to die or having a suicide plan

·      Saying that they are ‘trapped’ or have no options in their life

·      Saying they have no purpose in their life, that they feel hopeless


Signs to watch out for:

·      Engaging in self-harm or reckless, risk taking behaviour

·      Giving items away or saying goodbye to people

·      Becoming more inward looking and withdrawing from family and friends

·      Changes in their sleep patterns – too much or too little sleep

·      Extreme emotions or dramatic change sin mood

·      Increasing their use of drugs or alcohol


When you know the signs, you can follow three simple steps: A.P.R (Ask – Persuade – Refer)

ASK: If someone opens up to you, ASK them directly if they are thinking of suicide. Talking openly and honestly is one of the best things you can do. Evening listening is a powerful tool.

PERSUADE: Once you’ve asked the question, calmly and gently PERSUADE them to seek help or to allow you to assist them in getting help. Pieta’s 24/7 Crisis Helpline is open 24 hours a day.

REFER: REFER or guide them to Pieta. If you can, make the call with them or travel with them to their appointment.

The Pieta 24/7 Crisis Helpline is available on FREEPHONE 1800 247 247. For more information log on to

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