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What we really mean when we say …

There are certain things we say to people because we have to be polite. Or we don’t say what we are really thinking because we don’t want to be rude.

Sometimes, how we really feel could be hurtful or offensive so we spare feelings by sugar coating and telling little white lies.

Here is a humorous, tongue-in-cheek look at 20 of the most common things people say when really, they mean something entirely different.


What they say: ‘How are you?’

What they mean: Please don’t tell me your life story.


What they say: ‘Of course I won’t tell anyone.’

What they mean: If I keep this to myself I’ll explode!


What they say: ‘I might join you later.’

What they mean: There’s no chance I’m leaving my house unless it’s on fire!


What they say: ‘Sounds great, I’ll let you know.’
What they mean: I don’t want to come, but I’ll tell you in a text tomorrow to avoid the awkwardness of saying it now.

What they say: ‘Nice bumping into you – let’s catch up soon.’
What they mean: This was quite enough. I won’t be contacting you.


What they say: ‘So, what are you doing with yourself these days?’
What they mean: I want to know which one of us has been the most successful since leaving school.


What they say: ‘You must come to dinner.’

What they mean: This is not an invitation. I’m just being polite.


What they say: ‘Pop round anytime.’

What they mean: Please stay away from my house.


What they say: ‘Is anyone sitting here?’

What they mean: You’ve got exactly three seconds to move your bag.


What they say: ‘You’ve caught the sun.’

What they mean: Your face looks like you’ve dunked it in a volcano.


What they say: ‘You look fine.’
What they mean: I’d never wear that, but we don’t have time for you to change.


What they say: ‘With all due respect.’

What they mean: You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


What they say: ‘I’m just popping out for lunch. Anyone want anything?’

What they mean:  I’m getting my own lunch, please stay silent.


What they say: ‘No harm done.’

What they mean:  You’ve caused complete and utter chaos.


What they say: ‘I’ll bear that in mind.’

What they mean: I’ve forgotten it already.


What they say: ‘I’ll see what I can do.’
What they mean: I can’t do much. But I will tell you again in two days that it can’t be done to create the illusion of me having tried.

What they say: ‘That’s very interesting.’

What they mean: You are boring me to death.


What they say: ‘Not to worry.’

What they mean: I’ll never forget this.


What they say: ‘Honestly, it doesn’t matter.’

What they mean: It really does – more than you know.


What they say: ‘It will be fine.’

What they mean: I fully expect the situation to deteriorate rapidly.