20 Questions with Award Winning Composer Lauryn Gaffney

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1. What is your first memory?

My first memory is at 2 belting out “Tomorrow” From the Movie Musical Annie on my sofa and in my buggy! Apparently, I only knew the chorus so just repeated that again and again. My cousins would bring me on walks and they would get stopped by people saying “wow she loves to sing” Their brains we’re melted at me singing the same two lines haha

2. The last thing you think about before falling asleep is...

How lucky I am

3. Who is the most interesting person you've ever met?

A homeless woman in NYC I sat with her for half a day and was mesmerized by her story.

4. Have you ever been in love?

Yes! Luckily I still am!

5. Who would be your ideal dinner guest?

Kristen and Bobby Lopez or Oprah

6. Happiness is…

Laughing with your best friends and family

7. Who would play you in a film adaptation of your life?

Amanda Seyfred (I adore her, her voice and WISH I looked like her lol)

8. What could you not live without?

Friends and a piano

9. Tell us a secret.

I HATE jewellery. It’s awkward when people ask me what I think of theirs!

10. Why are we here?

To understand the human connection? To fulfill a purpose? God that’s a tough question!

11. What's your greatest vice?

Wheat and Dairy- I can’t eat it and I LOVE CHEESE!!

12. You are inspired by...

Genuine, nice people and great, authentic music.

13. The song you're most likely to sing at karaoke is…

It’s All Coming Back To Me Now- Celine Dion

14. What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Cheese and Grace and Frankie

15. What is your happiest memory?

Opening night of ‘Big Shot’ my original musical off-Broadway! (It was equally the most stressful night too). I was sitting in the soundbox with this legendary sound designer (Dio) and the lighting designer (Paraic). It was the wildest feeling!

16. Where is your favourite place in the whole world?

New York City and 54 Below (I was lucky to perform there last year)

17. The movie/s you could watch again and again is/are…

Love, Rosie, and Serendipity

18. What makes you angry?

The fact that I can’t eat cheese (Hahaha sorry last time I mention cheese, I promise)

19. What would you like to be remembered for?

My Writing

20. What are you working on right now?

Pitching music for various artists for the publishing company I work for.

Co-managing three phenomenal female artists with Grainne our company (The GráGaff) and Writing new musicals!