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The Achill Herdess

Martina Calvey: the Achill Herdess

Anyone who knows Martina Calvey describes her as a trojan worker and an inspiration. As a busy woman farming in Ireland, Martina has worked in the family business, Calvey’s, all of her life. But with health challenges in recent years, this Achill herdess discovered how resilient she really is, and how important it is to have family and community by your side. 

“I see life as a sequence of experiences,” says Martina. “You can’t stop, there are still pages to fill. There are challenges, but you have to keep going.”

Martina worked as a career guidance teacher for thirty years in Co. Dublin and Co. Mayo and loved working in a caring environment. “It was great to be part of the school community assisting students in realising their full potential and in guiding them making sound career decisions.”

However, Martina left a few years ago to concentrate on the family business built around their Achill Mountain Lamb enterprise. She’s one of 10 Calvey siblings – eight daughters and two sons – from Keel, on Achill Island. Seven generations of Calveys have been raising sheep and farming in nature.

Martina's father Martin is almost eighty, and still working as hard as ever. "He’s doing what he was born to do. He’s an inspiration,” says Martina. “A visionary, and full of great ideas.”

Martina manages the administration and brand development for Achill Mountain Lamb. Sister Grainne is a master butcher, and sister Helen, brother Edward, and nephew Peter help out, so it’s a family affair. “We had great role models growing up who modeled responsibility, support, and loyalty. We share that commitment to the family business.”

When Rheumatoid arthritis returned in 2010 after almost twenty years in remission, Martina lived with great pain and endured ten surgeries including spinal fusion, a fused hand and wrist, and on the other side a prosthetic wrist. A foot is rebuilt and she lives with a frame in her back to pin vertebrae. Last year, Martina was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer and has undergone three additional surgeries as well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Since being diagnosed she has been unable to receive the regular infusions for rheumatoid arthritis that she needs to help manage. 

“People sweat the small stuff,” laughs Martina, “I don’t give it my energy.”

On losing her hair due to chemotherapy, Martina remarks “hair was always important to me. It’s growing back.” Having considered a wig, Martina decided not to wear one, saying it didn’t feel right. “This is me. What you see is what you get. I’m as real and genuine as you can get.”

Martina recalls the goodness that family and friends have shown her, especially in recent times. “It’s so important to realise the value of having funny people in your life. I cherish those people, the ones who make you laugh. I value the people who ease you over things and see the lighter side.” 

Martina remembers the funny moments during her cancer treatment. “Cancer is very cruel, you have to get it into perspective. For me, I realised if I could survive the cruelty of some people, I could survive the cruelty of cancer. I’m blessed. People carry you. Looking back, I think to myself how did I get through that? It was people who made the difference.”

Martina attributes her positive outlook to her strong faith. "I live by Christian values. I got to see that in crowds this year. Family and friends were brilliant.” Martina remembers how those close to her would check on her daily, and talks about people in the community, their prayers, visits, and phone calls. “In my cancer journey, I was touched and humbled by the goodness of people. Life rolls. You just roll with it.”

Despite going through chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgeries, Martina threw herself into her work, even working with a developer to build a new website with papers and a laptop on the bed next to her. When we suggest that she’s an inspiration to keep going, Martina is modest. “There were needs within the business. We needed to enhance its online presence, and we were expanding our range of products in our online shop including additional options to our range of hampers, and working on our Origin Green targets, so I just had to get on with it."

Thanks to hard work and dedication, the family business has gone from strength to strength, and today the Calveys have a large herd of blackhead mountain sheep on a 20,000-acre commonage. The Calveys sell their award-winning ‘Achill Mountain Lamb’ from their local shop as a high-quality food product – one which has won numerous awards and is the top choice of countless leading chefs including Ashford Castle. 

One of the things that Martina is most proud of is the way that the family business values good environmental management. "We like to have a green ethos. We make choices that are climate-friendly." Martina’s philosophy is simple: “we respect nature, we work with it, and it rewards us well.”

The Calvey Family was delighted to win the Farming in Nature National Award 2018 for the protection and enhancement of nature on Achill Island. The family can trace the original flock back to 1856, and the breed of sheep have adapted to island living. The family is adamant about running a successful business in an environmentally friendly way as possible. The family has an abattoir on the island, so this means that there is no carbon footprint. Even the wrapping is biodegradable, so full marks for sustainability! 

Martina reflects on the younger generations within the family business bringing fresh ideas, and the potential that they represent. She’s also passionate about bringing her own learning to the business, as she’s currently completing a university programme. “I love learning and accessing information. You build knowledge and you use it to help.”

Having grown up on Achill Island, Martina is proud of her community and in particular the village where her father was born. “The beauty of the cliffs is only surpassed by the beauty of the people. There’s a great nature and warmth.” She talks affectionately about the women, their resilience, their welcome, and their humour.

Martina is an active member of Women in Farming, describing the group as “a network of like-minded people. I have made excellent friends from this group. I can bring learning to the group. I want to be part of realising the potential, to make something the best that it can be.”

As an excellent spokesperson, Martina has been pivotal in growing the reputation of Achill Mountain Lamb as a top product. She was honoured to win the Network Ireland Mayo SME Business Woman of the Year in 2019.

Looking to the future, Martina is thankful to be in good health. “I have a broad and colourful perspective on things thanks to many experiences in life. You face challenges, deal efficiently with them and you keep going. The important thing is to focus on the opportunities, not the problems. Keep positive and have positive people in your tribe.”

Martina is currently recovering from a recent third surgery. "I feel good, I feel strong. My body is healing. Some days, I forget about cancer, I'm too busy getting on with business and life.”

For more information on Achill Mountain Lamb, see www.calveysachillmountainlamb.ie