Hair Health

Hair Health

Late last year, Dee Casey and her business partner Dani O’Hare, planned to open an entirely new type of hair salon. Covid restrictions intervened, but the pair have launched online.

Dee Casey is passionate about creating healthier hair from the inside out. She has been using hair supplements for years and saw great results. When topical bonding treatments became more common in Irish hair salons, she decided to go a step further and create a traditional hair salon that also offered supplement-based hair treatments. 

“The products I’m interested in create a healthier hair follicle from day one. When taken regularly people begin to see not just an improvement in the health of their hair, but their nails grow stronger, and more quickly, and their skin improves,” she says.

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The pandemic has meant that Bond Hair Health, the business she created with stylist Dani O’Hare, has had a slow start. The two women were all set to open their new holistic style hair salon offering all the usual hair services, from styling to colouring, as well as cold fusion extensions and a range of specialist hair treatments along with, of course, advice on supplements for specific hair and skin problems. But, at the start of this year, instead of being hard at work on her fledging new business, Dee found herself sitting at the kitchen table home schooling her four children. Dani was in the same boat, but undeterred, the two women decided to launch a version of their salon online.

“We’re going to open the salon when the restrictions are relaxed along and we’re able to operate along with the rest of the world,” says Dee. In the meantime, she’s offering online consultations on hair health through supplements. 

While treatment is tailored to specific problems nearly all start with improving gut health. “The first thing we do is recommend a youth biome which goes to your gut straight away and starts helping you absorb vitamins and minerals not just from any supplements but from natural food sources. Then we recommend whatever additional treatment is required to deal with the specific problem area.”

One of the biggest issues she comes across is dry brittle hair, usually caused by over processing. “We have treatments that will boost hydration levels. What you often find as well is that people with dry scalps often have dry skin elsewhere on their body. The supplements treat all of these issues.”

Once the main problem has been dealt with Dee suggests a maintenance programme to keep everything in good working order.

At the moment the online site offers four different supplement plans dealing with dry, normal, oily and combination hair (dry scalp, oily hair). “What we’re finding is that while some people want help with a straightforward issue, others need additional help in identifying the right treatment plan. For example, a woman might be dealing with thinning hair after having a baby and, because they’re breast feeding, want a natural solution,” says Dee.

Issues related to menopause and perimenopause are also dealt with, as well as problems teenagers might experience with their skin. Dee is also currently treating a woman who lost her hair during chemotherapy and is seeing great results through the use of supplements. 

“While we focus on hair, it’s really a whole body approach. People find their skin is glowing, they feel better and have more energy. With an improvement in gut health, the digestive system is working better. There’s a knock on effect on everything.”

Alongside the supplements, Bond Hair offers a range of topical treatments for different issues. “People often want the instant results that a topical treatment provides. That’s understandable but you’re really only masking the underlying issue with topical treatments. Supplements deal with problems over time but actually get to the underlying issue and resolves it,” she says.

Eventually Dee wants to be able to do face to face consultations and be able to see directly what’s going on with their hair and their scalp. “The online consultation isn’t ideal but at least it’s got us started. So far we’ve had a lot of interest and it’s been great to be able to start treating people and explaining to them how it all works,” she says.

“I really love being able to help people with their hair health issues and there’s nothing better than when they start seeing results themselves. It’s a relatively new approach but I think it’s going to become a lot more mainstream over the next few years.” 

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