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The secrets of Eternal Youthfullness

The Secrets of Eternal Youthfulness 

Female empowerment coach, energy healer and author, Vanya Silverton, has the ultimate anti-ageing and beauty secrets every woman needs to know 

Every woman, no matter her age, should be aware of some simple anti-aging and beauty secrets that go beyond her night cream, filler or botox injection. Too often, we buy into the beauty industry’s products hoping for the quick fix that will melt away our wrinkles, lift our skin, fill our lips or brighten our eyes. We get caught in a circle of continuously buying products that promise the youth we long for. However, we are often disappointed and find ourselves looking in the mirror with negative self-dialogue: I am old.’ ‘My skin is saggy.’ ‘My eyes are drooping.’ This only makes us buy the next product or spend thousands more on the next latest anti-ageing technology. The cycle continues and you keep noticing the imperfections and feeling ugly and old. 

True beauty and youth are not a commodity, it is an eternal state of being. Of course, we have to look after our diet, keep our bodies fit and well hydrated and our skin nourished.  But there are a few beauty and youth secrets that every woman should know, and they don’t cost a thing:

1. Beauty and Youth Is Not a Commodity, it is a frequency

Because women are hungry - and dare I say, starving - for more beauty in their lives, beauty has become a commodity, full of big companies selling us so-called beauty products. Instead of acknowledging our abilities to create beauty. We buy into the drama of not smelling right, believing wrinkles are ugly, or there is weight to lose. By disliking our bodies, we feel diminished and powerless, and we succumb to the next product instead of invoking the frequency of beauty in our lives. The more we feel insecure and unconfident, the less we feel beautiful. 

Take time to educate yourself so you can make empowered choices. Learn to see through the marketing campaigns of ‘beauty’ products and never let them dictate how they make you feel about yourself. They often sell you the feeling of youth and beauty, but you can totally create that yourself. Next time you eat an apple, sip some water or put some lotion on, visualise it is giving you the elixir of beauty and youth. This will create the exact same feelings that high end beauty products promise

2. Turn Your Beauty Regime into a Ritual

When a woman takes ownership of her beauty, her beauty is no longer a regime. Beauty becomes a divine ritual. She finds the pleasure and the joy in her beauty by being unique. Take care of your beauty as an act of reverence and a tribute to your inner radiance. Tend to your beauty not as a way of conforming or copying but as an act of expressing the divine within you. Your beauty practices are a way of honouring and tending to your body temple.

So, when you adorn your body with jewellery, bright red nails, high heels, hair colour, and makeup, do it because it is delightful, a celebration of yourself—not because you have been told to wear a mask, believing that your authentic self is not beautiful enough. The next time you dress or put on makeup, beautify the dialogue you have with yourself. You might say:

  • ‘Wow, I look good’

  • ‘My hips look great in these shoes’

  • ‘My eyes are magnetising’

Be in awe of yourself as you paint and dress to accentuate the beauty that is you. When you love yourself, your face doesn’t show exhaustion, anger, or disappointment. Your skin softens with self-love, and your life frustrations don’t crinkle and crease your skin. Instead, your new relationship with your beauty will give you a youth that no anti-wrinkle cream can offer.

3. Your posture can make you feel a million dollars. 

If you stand tall, with your chest upright, your shoulders back and your tummy held in, you can instantly change the way you feel, and other’s see you. Great posture will give the impression that you are confident, vibrant, magnetic and can even make you look 5kg lighter. These are all signs of youth. Practice holding great posture when you are in the supermarket, walking down the street or even cleaning the dishes. Notice how it instantly changes the way you feel about yourself and how it will turn heads.

4. Your sexual energy is the best anti-ageing remedy

This is my all-time favourite beauty secret. We often think sexual energy is something we use to create intimacy and babies, but you can do so much more with it! The ancient Chinese knew how to cultivate it and send it up through their bodies to bring health to their organs. You can apply this same principle to your face. When you train your sexual energy to move up from your genitals to the top of your head, you also help your body defy gravity. This is because your sexual energy acts as an upwards life force that moves against gravity - and we all have gravity to blame for our skin sagging.

Ten-Minute Anti-aging Rejuvenation Exercise 

  • Every night before you go to sleep, lie on your back and breathe deeply until you feel every muscle in your body and face relax. Inhale in love from the universe. Exhale out any stress, anger, or tensions. As you do this, you may feel memories of the day leaving your body and mind. Some memories will free your body from negative energies; others may brighten you with positive energy. Repeat until you feel your heart and your body flowing with love 

  • Now, place your hands on your heart and feel your palms filling with love. Next, bathe your body in this love - this includes your fingers, arms, shoulders, neck, breasts, waist, hips, legs, and toes. As you caress your skin, notice that you are opening your energy pathways to start flowing with love. You may also notice your sexual energy beginning to activate in the erogenous zones of your body and feel orgasmic or pleasurable sensations.

  • Next move to your face. Gently caress every part of your it: your eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, lips. As you do this, invite the love that exists within the cells of your face to release and blossom. You also may want to use the tips of your fingers to apply light pressure to stimulate the face in new ways 

  • Now focus on your intimate muscles. Squeeze and use them like a pump to bring your sexual energy up to your face

As you inhale, squeeze, smile, and direct your sexual energy up through your heart centre into your face. As you exhale, allow your loving sexual energy to blossom through the cells of your face. Keep repeating this movement, but each time you inhale, focus your attention on a specific area, such as your cheeks or forehead. Make sure you include your neck and chin area as well.

  • If there are other areas of your body that you would like to beautify—your hips or stomach, for example—then you can apply the same process to them.

  • When you’re ready, you can fall asleep with your face and body glowing. The more you do this, the more you will wake up with a radiating glow of youthful vitality. 

Vanya Silverton’s book: Sacred Revolution: A Woman’s Path To Love, Power & Sensual Enlightenment is out now and available on Amazon