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You Said It

Our Star Letter writer will receive a beautiful selection of springtime cosmetics including Glossy Lips Treats worth over €40 from IsaDora Cosmetics. All products are fragrance-free, cruelty-free and clinically tested. IsaDora believes that makeup should be fun and should always express more of you. Available in Shaws Department Stores and independent pharmacies nationwide.

Rory McIlroy

I just wanted to compliment the Woman’s Way team on the last three issues. They have really uplifted my spirit in these times of Covid. I have been an avid reader of the magazine for many years. The wildlife section is excellent and your Health Checklist For the Decades in a recent issue was great and on the same page your Mind Feed. I also wanted to share this picture with you taken at the recent golf tournament in Columbus, Ohio. My grandson Dara had the pleasure of meeting Rory Mcllroy who handed him his golf ball as a gift. As you can see my daughter Jillian and Dara were really chuffed by the gesture.  How lovely it would be if the picture appeared in Woman's Way.

Patricia Cassells,  Westmeath


Summer Frocks

The feature on Spring dresses was lovely - it reminded me how fun it could be to dress up in something other than tracksuits. After reading Woman’s Way, I went into my wardrobe and got out all of my Spring/Summer dresses and I put on a fashion show for my children. We had a ball! It was actually really helpful to see what I did or did not have for the coming season and what I need to buy when the stores open back up! I can’t wait to come up to Dublin and spend the day shopping. I’ve missed being able to see what’s on-trend as I’m not a big lover of online shopping but reading Woman’s Way has given me some inspiration for upcoming fashion trends. 

Sarah Kehoe, Waterford 

Great Trainers

I was so happy when I picked up my copy of Woman’s Way and saw the piece on trainers! I feel like I have been wearing the most rundown, chunky trainers for my daily walks during the lockdown. I’ve found it harder and harder to care about what I wear on my walks as I never see anyone in level 5, and I’ve had the same old Nike trainers for the past 6 years! It was lovely to see some trainers that I could wear for my walks but also some fashionable trainers for when we can start visiting people again! I’m really looking forward to splurging and treating myself to a new pair when the shops open. 

Mary Doherty, Dublin  

Easter Feast

Thank you for the delicious recipes! I fell out of love with cooking since we’ve been in lockdown - it feels like making dinner is a chore. I can barely be bothered half the time! I was stressed about Easter and what to cook, losing interest in cooking meant no interesting meals but I got so much inspiration from these recipes. Derry Clarke’s spiced lamb was divine. I made it for Easter Sunday for my husband and my two kids and they nearly licked the plate clean! Our dog, Rover, got a special treat with the bone too! It really transformed our day, having a lovely meal that was new and everyone chipped in to help so it was a real family affair. Thank you again - it made our Easter! 

Laura Mahon, Kerry  


Online Shopping

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your insightful article on online shopping. I have been on the internet picking up some clothes and other bits more than ever and this particular article was very enlightening - forewarned is forearmed as they say! I spoke about it with friends who also are big fans of Woman’s Way and it made me realize that I am not the only one spending hours a day on websites shopping for a bargain, and sometimes getting hoodwinked by sites that look like they’re Irish. It also taught me to read the small print, especially about returns. 

Sophie Moriarty, Roscommon

Check Before You Buy

The Shopping Savvy Online article was very informative and helpful in last week’s issue. I am in my seventies and have to still cocoon until I get my vaccine, so I have had to do online shopping. Before reading your article, I was terrified about buying stuff online as I wouldn’t be what my grandchildren call ‘tech savvy’. However, it was great to get an insight into each store and its delivery process and returns. Maybe you could make this a regular feature for us oldies? Many thanks again team, I have been buying Woman’s Way for the past 30 years, it is my favorite magazine.

Mary Wilde, Kildare

Saoirse Ruane 

As a mother of an eight-year-old myself,  the story about Saoirse Ruane really touched me. I was blown away by her strength and bravery which was inspiring especially for a child of that age. As I sat down to read it, I could not stop looking over at my own daughter.  I felt such a great deal of empathy for Saoirse and her mum. Together they are doing such great work by telling her story whilst also fundraising for a number of charities. I thought the piece continued to spread the message and raise awareness. It was an emotional experience for me reading it as a mother and even brought a tear to my eye. I think it was a welcomed piece and a source of inspiration for many families who may be going through difficult times to know that there are people who understand and can offer support. It took me back to her first appearance on the Late Late Toy Show and I felt the same emotion I did when we first heard from Saoirse. 

Lisa Meldon, Longford 

Hair Care

I am a regular reader of Woman’s Way and particularly love the fashion and beauty sections. They have been a godsend during lockdown when salons, beauticians, and hairdressers have been closed. Like many women around the country, lockdown has not been the kindest to my hair and my home attempts of trying to achieve a salon look have not been the most successful, to say the least. Picking up your magazine I was thrilled to see Dylan Bradshaw on how to do a blowdry at home - it was such a help. I am also following his advice about oily hair and have reduced the number of times I shampoo my hair - and his product recommendations were great. I am constantly passing on your advice to my friends when they comment on my hair now and they are so impressed. 

Beth Moriarity, Mayo 

Shampoo Bars 

Going greener in 2021 is a pledge I made to myself back in January, so I was delighted to read your article about shampoo bars! They are such an easy, everyday swap and eco-friendly to boot. I was so excited to try out the Nuddy Daily Shine Treatment Shampoo bar which I can tell you did not disappoint. The smell made me feel like I was on holiday and my hair had a great shine for days! I’ve been bleaching my hair for the last 20 years, so I was curious to see if it would dry out my locks, but it worked out great!

I also bought the Arona solid perfume in the scent, Calming Lavender. It is gorgeous and you wouldn’t believe the number of compliments I’ve been getting every day on my lockdown walks. I can’t wait to try the Delicate Rose scent too. Even though I made the change for the environment, it will be so handy to travel with the Arona solid perfume! I won’t have to worry about liquid amounts or travel-size sprays again! I’m officially a convert to shampoo bars and solid perfume! 

Lily O’Neill, Galway

When I Win The Lotto

I came across your When Win The Lotto piece in last week’s issue. If I won the lotto I would buy a sunny villa in Spain and spend all my days out in the sun, reading Woman’s Way and drinking all the grapes! The aspirational page is really inspiring me to start believing that better days are coming and to dream big. Who knows, I may just win the lotto. I bought a ticket for the EuroMillions when buying this week’s issue, wish me luck!

Catriona Lambe, Mayo

Ryan Tubridy

I heard Ryan talk about Woman’s Way on his radio show, he talked about how much was inside the magazine, even referred to it as a guide to lockdown. I think you should put Ryan on the cover, he is very handsome and has been a great rock to us every Friday night keeping us entertained and informed on The Late Late Show. I am a big fan of both Ryan and Woman’s Way.

Sadie Curtin, Carlow

Better Days Ahead

Yesterday evening was the first evening since the first Lockdown that I sat outside and enjoyed looking at the orange-lit sky and had a cuppa. The weather and winter nights have been tough for me, as I am sure they have been for many others, and I was so glad to finally see spring make a return. I am excited to hear the birds sing and for the longer evenings, so I get out and get walking. I definitely think that lockdown is coming to an end soon, we need to hang in there. This new season has given me some hope and clarity.

Susan Browne, Cork


I pick up my copy of Woman’s Way fortnightly and have been loving the latest issues. I was unaware of the dognapping situation and have taken necessary precautions to prevent this from happening to me and my two lovely dogs in the future. This was such a clever article to feature in the magazine. I am sure this issue was all over the internet but I feel as though not many people my age have access to the internet, or choose not to use it. And so, it was really great to learn about this important issue in Woman’s Way.

Sheila Martin, Cork

Retire Easy

I thoroughly enjoyed this week’s issue of the magazine. As I ease into autumn of my life I was intrigued to read your early retirement article. It was truly fantastic. I felt quite enlightened after sifting through it. I even took some notes in a notebook! Another great work from the ladies at Woman’s Way!

Eimear Furey, Clare