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5 Wonderful Walks

Five beautiful walks in Ireland 

For many of us getting outside for our daily walks during lockdown has been the highlight of our day. Here are five great places to walk around Ireland 

1. Mount Errigal, Donegal 

Located near Falcarragh, Donegal, lies the breathtaking Mount Errigal Walk. This 4.2km walk is rated as a moderate trail punctuated with areas of bog land and stoney terrain. However, with spectacular 360° views each step will be worth it. With two glorious summits there is plenty of opportunity to catch a breath, rest your legs and absorb the stunning landscape of brown and golden scenery. A great walk for anyone who enjoys the outdoors and is not afraid of getting stuck into an adventurous walk. 

2. Bray to Greystones Cliff walk, Wicklow  

Standing in a busy Dublin city centre it is hard to imagine that in Dublin’s back garden lies some tranquil and picturesque walks. A great walk for anyone to try is the Bray to Greystones cliff walk, a linear walk of 7km alongside a cliffed footpath. With the DART running into Bray you can hop on and be out of the city and at the start of your walk in no time at all. The stunning coastal walk provides vast views of the sea, ideal on a clear summer day. Once you have completed the walk you can reward yourself with some refreshments in one of Greystones' many eateries. 

3. Coumshingaun Loop Walk, Waterford 

Walking enthusiasts all over the country flock to Waterford to embark on this stunning hike and it is not hard to see why. Coumshingaun Corrie Lake acts as an amphitheatre, in fact one of the most spectacular in Europe. In every direction your gaze falls upon a jar dropping sight from the 365 m cliffs which engulf you to the glistening waters below, stunning views are never in short supply. With a carpark at the base of the mountain you can enjoy a well deserved picnic after the descent whilst cracking upon the flask of tea. 

4. Castlewellan Forest Park, Down

If hiking is not your thing why not take a trip to the stunning and peaceful Castlewellan Forest park located near the base of the Mourne Mountains. The forest park is home to a multitude of walks meaning there is something for everyone. If you want to get some ideas to brighten up your garden why not explore the many gardens around the grounds of the grand Castlewellan house. From weeping willows to rose bushes the colours and scents will consume you. If you are keen for a little more adventure you can depart off the beaten track into the surrounding hills and soak up the views of the Mourne Mountains or perhaps lose yourself in the perfectly maintained maze. However you decide to spend your day in the forest park, be sure to walk around the magnificent lake in the heart of the park. Walk, run or cycle your way around the lake soaking up the sights and sounds as you go. A flat walk, which anyone can enjoy at their leisure and a great day out for all the family. 

5. Croagh Patrick, Mayo

The West of Ireland is a magical place to venture by walking. Every corner you turn offers up a new trail to explore and over every slope comes a breathtaking new view. Mayo is famous for its pilgrimage walk up Croagh Patrick, a 764 m mountain nicknamed the Reek. For years the mountain has been a site of pilgrimage with many people embarking barefoot up the stoney terrain to reach the white chapel at the summit. Never fear however, as walking boots are equally acceptable and will help you reach the top of this challenging yet immensely rewarding climb. The fresh air is enough to spur you on as you climb the ascent whilst the views over Mayo on the descent offers up the best possible reward.