Ice Ice Baby

Ice Ice Baby..

We know the benefits of applying ice to ease pain, inflammation and swelling on areas of our body but cold therapy also has great skin benefits. We asked beauty expert Corinna Tolan to tell us more about her new cryotherapy home treatment

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Cryotherapy, also referred to as cold therapy, uses cold temperature to incur a response in the skin and cells. Cold therapy is used in skincare because of its ability to cause vasoconstriction and dilation. As a result of this, our skin cells are flushed with oxygen-rich blood, causing a boost in the cell renewal process, collagen synthesis, and bringing new life and glow back into the skin. 


Not restricted to just experiencing the benefits of cryotherapy as part of a professional facial, we can now experience the benefits at home. Celebrity skincare specialist, Corinna Tolan, has been at the forefront of integrating ground-breaking techniques and technologies into her treatments at her Monica Tolan Beauty & Skincare Clinics. Spotting a gap in the market, she launched her own Cryo Therapy Globes so she could use them both during treatments and at-home. 

What are they, what do they do and why do you need them. We asked Corinna  all that and more..

What led you to launch a home based cryotherapy product?

I have always been focused on results-driven, science-backed treatments and skincare, and I am incredibly proud to put my name to this as I genuinely think it's a game-changer. Using cold tools on the skin acts like a magnet and pulls heat out from the skin. Heat can cause inflammation and a histamine response so having these cold tools are essential for us in the clinic setting, as they massively reduce downtime post invasive skin treatments. It was while using these tools in professional skin treatments that I realised the demand for home use.

What are the benefits of cryotherapy?

 The benefits of cryotherapy and the use of Cryo Therapy Globes are endless, in particular when it comes to integrating them in fine-tuned facial treatments and at home to aid our lotions and potions, working specifically on our complexions and to aid recovery.  Designed to reduce inflammation, boost circulation and also lift and tighten skin, Cryo Therapy Globes are not only a functional facial tool but also mood and well-being enhancers. The soothe and calm the skin, release endorphins and speed up recovery


What's the best way to use your Cryo Therapy Globes?

There is no wrong way to use them; let us start there. I love to use my Globes first thing in the morning to tighten and lift my skin, and I find the drop in temperature really refreshing and a real kick start for the day ahead. 

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Best stored in the fridge to keep an optimal cool temperature, rub the spherical Cryo Therapy Globes across the face, and body, in upwards motions resulting in a super cooling massage. They also provide natural headache and sinus relief, refresh and cool oneself during hot flushes and aid in sports recovery, among a long list of additional benefits. 


Can you use Cryo Therapy Globes if on medication?

I would always recommend running any new therapies past your GP. Many of my clients on medications and with inflammatory conditions find the Cryo Therapy Globes are great for reducing swelling and pigmentation and relieving pain and discomfort. A lot find them great for migraines too, especially when used at the back of the neck.


Will My skincare work better if I use the Cryo Therapy Globes?

Absolutely! Not only will your serums penetrate the skin better when massaged in with the globes, but the added benefits of stimulated blood flow and lymphatic drainage will make you arrive at your skin goals ahead of schedule 


I am menopausal. Do you think the Cryo Therapy Globes will benefit me? 

There is nothing more pleasurable than running a cold Globe over your skin when experiencing a hot flush or fluid retention, both common symptoms of menopause. The cold sensation on your skin will also stimulate the vagas nerve. The vagas nerve connects the brain to the gut, and stimulating the nerve is known to have a calming effect and reduce anxiety. This could be the reason we all like to splash our faces with cold water when stressed. 


How long will my Cryo Therapy Globes last?

When it came to creating our own Cryo Therapy Globes, we only worked with the very best manufacturers, like everything else. We opted for stainless steel tools to hold their temperature best, easier to clean and sterilise bit mostly so that they would last a lifetime. These globes are for the whole family to enjoy for a lifetime. 


Cryo Therapy Globes, €99 visit  available from . 

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