Bog Cotton Beauty

Bog Cotton Beauty

Donegal Bog Cotton is the brainchild and passion of two women who’s friendship and love of the north west of Ireland sparked their organic handmade cosmetics business 

Marian McNally and Patricia (Haran) Gallagher have been friends for over 40 years. In their mid 20s they started holidaying together in Donegal with their husbands and children as they were born, explains Marian. “We have had wonderful times together, swims, barbecues and walks, great memories were laid down in those years”, she says. 

“We have all formed a very strong attachment to Donegal. The friendship we share is the driving force behind our business and key to its success.” 

Donegal Bogcotton Company is based at Falcarragh, Co. Donegal and specialises in organic handmade cosmetics. The pair didn’t set out to launch a business, it grew organically according to Marian. ”We set the company up in 2014 after our handmade soap gifts for friends became so popular and in such great demand.”  From small beginnings, the company has broadened its range of products from handmade soaps to moisturiser, lip balm and scented candles.

 ”We share an interest in the local Donegal flora, which provides plenty of inspiration for the scents and colours of our products.” The stunning scenery is part of the inspiration for the business. 

“Overlooked by Muckish Mountain, and surrounded by extensive blanket bogs and pristine beaches, the variety of habitats with their unique flora is breathtaking. Drifts of Bog Cotton and Heather brighten the bogs and hillsides in early summer. Fuchsia and Cowslip bedeck the hedgerows, and Sea Holly nestles among the Marram grass in the shelter of the sand dunes.” 

The branding for Donegal Bog Cotton is designed by Niamh McNally (@niamhmcdesign) and reflects this bog and floral inspiration.   

Bog Cotton is “completely committed to a ‘Green’ ethos”, says Marian. “Only the best quality ingredients are used, and all are sustainably sourced and are cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.  Packaging is recyclable and is kept to a minimum.”

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And the products now have a much wider appeal. “ Donegal Bogcotton serves the many people who are now actively seeking to make better, more sustainable lifestyle choices. Its products are perfect for everyday use and make beautiful, thoughtful gifts.”

Previously present in a number of retail outlets in Donegal and Dublin, the pandemic brought a huge change to the Donegal Bogcotton business model.  The company’s website was launched last year, designed by Keesa O’Dea (Creative Content). Marian and Patricia are busy, working with local creatives and bringing a little bit of this beautiful corner of Ireland to the world - but they are both keen to get back to ‘normal’ again.

“In the year since the website was up and running, business has been thriving and demand continues to grow.  However, we cannot wait to get back into the physical market place and interact with our customers again.”

Long may that friendship endure. For more visit

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