Energy Alignment

Energy Alignment

What if you could choose to shift your energy & live your life more in flow? Yvette Taylor,  the founder of The Energy Alignment Method, explains how five simple steps can shift your health, wealth & relationships.

Imagine waking up feeling alive, happy and in tune. As you plan your day, it feels effortless and easy; you feel on top of the world. You love your work; opportunities and money are flowing your way. Your bestie just popped in for a champers lunch as you pack your bag for a magical weekend away with your partner! Sounds like a dream?! Well, feeling like this may be easier than you think!  It’s called FLOW. 

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When we focus on what is wrong, lacking or missing in a situation, we are taken out of the flow. To change something, clarify what we want and ensure our energy, thoughts, emotions, and actions match that outcome. 

The 3 Flows of Energy 

In the world of Energy Psychology, we understand everything in your life is energy; science has shown we are much more than we see or believe.  You and I are made of energy too, which means we can choose to shift our energy from a low vibe to a high vibe place! 

Let me explain the 3 Flows of Energy; these energy states apply to everything, including your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and experiences. 

1. Reversals 

You will recognise energy reversals in life situations that seem to worsen the more time and energy you put into them. Your emotions are extreme; you find yourself repeating patterns, old habits and addictions, and your worst thoughts & behaviours pop up.  It can feel debilitating or draining like you’re in a black hole. Reversals are usually created by situations in our past, which we’ve faced yet had no coping mechanism for; it has put us into an energetic state of ‘shock’. 

2. Resistance  

Resistances in your energy show up when you want to change something. You may wish to change something, move in a specific direction when that little voice inside pops up with a thought, beliefs, or emotion that puts doubts, pessimism, and excuses in the way, so we end up feeling stuck where we are. 

There is no denying our life experiences affect our energy; we hold in our subconscious energy field the ‘recordings’ of our past experiences. Every thought, word, action and emotion are held silently somewhere.  Meaning whenever we are faced with the same or similar situation again, we will react with similar emotions, thoughts & beliefs. 

Left unchecked, these develop into negative emotions, limited mindset, and poor health, rippling out into all areas of our lives like health, wealth, and relationships. Here are a few clues we’re in resistance or reversal: 


  • Physical pain, symptoms and tiredness

  • Unable to sleep or broken patterns

  • Overeating & poor eating habits

  • Confusion or indecision

  • Harsh self-judgement

  • Feelings of fear, depression, jealousy; overwhelm; stress; or anxiety


  • Arguments, miscommunication feeling unheard 

  • Poor boundaries; keeping secrets

  • Energy draining relationships 

  • Using manipulation, control, guilt; blame; shame


  • Feeling unworthy or not good enough

  • Chronic debt; lack of financial security

  • Overspending money 

  • Negative thinking & worrying about money 

Maybe you’re thinking, 'I’ve been all of these.' We all have at one time or another, sometimes many times a day. Please know you're never alone. Millions of people are searching for a new way of living; we want to feel happier, healthier, and more in control of our lives, especially amongst all the chaos happening in the world. 

The good news is this all of them are expressions of what is happening to you energetically. Meaning there is something we can do about it.  Which is to get into flow. 

3. Receptive  

The third energy state is the one we all search for, receptive or FLOW. You know the situations in your life where opportunities appear, you feel positive and happy, your relationships are easy, and money seems to fall in your lap!  

Scientifically, flow creates measurable changes throughout your physical body.  Being in flow relieves stress, tension, anxiety and promotes physical healing. We also experience feelings of calm, happiness and love. It feels like bliss!   







When we understand ourselves through the eyes of electromagnetic energy, we can see how to use FLOW to create and shape our lives, health, wealth and relationships by choice, which is precisely what EAM does for you. 

The 5 Step Self-help Technique

This understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method®. EAM is a quick, simple transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release reversals, resistance or negative energy, thoughts and emotions, then reprogram yourself to create a flow state around anything you face in life. 

However, EAM is more than another mindset tool, with no need to regurgitate the past or dig up memories. It is more than a manifesting tool. It's a way of life. Here is a simple insight into what happens with the 5 STEPS

  • Step 1 - You Ask Ask your subconscious a question

  • Step 2 - You Move Your energy field will respond 

  • Step 3 - You Experience Get clear how it affects your energy 

  • Step 4 - You Transform Release what stands in your way

  • Step 5 - You Manifest Create a new thought, belief, pattern, emotion or experience 

Imagine having the ability to find the hidden answers you’ve been searching for, be able to remove hidden issues and get yourself in flow through choice! 

It is possible and easy for you to do. 

Get Ready to Change Your Life

You have everything you need already to change your life. Nothing is missing; we simply need to switch our focus, let go of our past, shift our energy, thoughts and emotions into the flow state. 

Then watch your dream life unfold. If you think it sounds too easy, try it for yourself and see. 

You're part of something far greater than you know. By creating energetic shifts in yourself with EAM, you'll change your life and those around you. 

Then we will see those changes ripple out far beyond and into the world, it is up to us to change our lives. Are you ready? 

Yvette Taylor is the founder of The Energy Alignment Method. Her book by the same name published by Welbeck Balance is out this month.

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