Ease into Autumn

The changing of the seasons is always a good reminder to make the most of family time, says Una Rice, and catch up on important things you’ve let lapse.

When John Keats wrote an ‘Ode To Autumn’, it probably wasn’t so much that he mourned the end of summer, but rather pondered on the beauty that was unfolding around him, the essential gateway to winter.

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Fast forward to today however, and we sadly sometimes have less time for that level of contemplation, as the weeks of August can get hijacked and gobbled up with the back to school and college frenzy, as well as prepping for what’s to come, buying new winter coats and boots and stocking up on fuel for the stoves. 

But then again…why can’t we simply grasp the last few weeks and days before the study routines begin again in earnest and enjoy them with our families for all they are worth.

Being more mindful of this time of year may actually be the best way to embrace early autumn and all the changes and chill that comes with it. As a bonus, it can also become the perfect time to reflect on the last eight months, both in terms of what you achieved and what you’d change, and think about how you wish to finish the year. Throw in a little organization and decluttering and whilst you don’t quite have an ode to Autumn like John Keats, you may be setting yourself up for the perfect prelude to the cooler months ahead…

12 ways to step out of summer…

Picture this

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Move all the fabulous family pictures you took this summer from your mobile phone and get them printed up into a book form, so you can look back on all those great memories. Check out the free prints app. Why not get the family involved in creating a giant collage of favourite summer pictures to frame and hang in the hall.

Poster perfect

Bring your summer pictures and memories to a whole new professional level by commissioning a specially made bespoke poster of your family holiday/special break. At Posters Bespoke, graphics designer and illustrator Rachel creates breathtaking souvenir style posters, inspired by vintage style and typography. Check out postersbespoke.com.

Make waves

Have one last family beach blast. Make it pre sun-set, light a fire and hang up bunting. Non-alcoholic cocktails and fish ‘n’ chips should be on the menu, along with giant sand-castle building and barefoot dancing  – don’t forget your music and speaker.

Silly Sunday

Have a final ‘Silly Sunday’ before the students depart for college. Buy tickets to the zoo or a theme park and while away a few hours. Go on the ride that terrifies you most and eat candy floss. It’s all about making memories and having fun.

Basket case

Now is the time to bag yourself a bargain in picnic ware like a gorgeous wicker hamper and accessories including blanket and flasks. Don’t be too quick to pack it all away either. There are all those autumn and winter picnics to be enjoyed in the months ahead. 

Enjoy the garden gifts

When we think of garden parties it’s usually mid-summer and hot weather, but you can have one (or two!) last one with warming tarts and salads, spiced up ginger drinks, and a blaze in the fire pit.

A change of scene

If the summer break budget has dried up, offer to house-sit for a friend. Sometimes a change of scenery is what’s needed to get us thinking a little differently about life and what we are doing. Bring your journal, pens, markers and post-it notes and get inspired with daily walks and fresh air.

It’s a wrap

They do say there’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes! And it’s no truer than at this time of year when the evenings close in and we feel the chill. Invest in the right layers and wind/rain cheaters now and continue those days out in the forests or on mountain treks to prolong that summer holiday feeling as we ease towards September.

Create a new healthy habit

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It’s weeks and weeks until Christmas (dare we mention it), but creating a new habit from now, could pay dividends by the time we get to mid-December. Maybe it’s that change you need to make to your diet, a smoking or a drinking habit you want to knock on the head, or new moves you wish to bring on board like belly dancing or yoga. Just imagine the progress you could make in three months, if you begin today.

Goals for girls

If January is a time for resolutions, August must be that time when you can look over -  without judgement – at what didn’t work and why. It could be time to set a few new goals to bring you up to year end. In fact, this can be a gentler time for setting goals than January, as there’s so much expectation at the start of a new year, but now there’s only cosy months to tick off your targets.

Rise and shine

Squeeze all the hours you can by getting up even just one hour earlier each morning. Think of what could be accomplished – 15 minutes of yoga, a brisk walk, some journaling? Even a quiet cup of herbal tea as the world wakes up around you. If it’s still hard to get up earlier, bring bedtime forward and leave the devices outside the bedroom so you can wind down with relaxation techniques for sleep.

List it

Experts love to recommend making lists and they serve so many purposes. They help unjumble a busy mind, they spur you on, and they make you feel a little more accomplished as you tick them off. Want to do more lovely stuff with the family – whip out your notebook of lists. You can list hotel breaks, nice restaurants, meals you haven’t tried yet, experiences you want to tick off the bucket list and enjoy with family over the coming autumn months.