Dancing Queen

With Dancing with the Stars about to shimmy onto our screens again, head judge Loraine Barry talks to Andrea Smith about the new series.

When Woman’s Way talks to the glamorous Loraine Barry, she’s fizzing with delight that Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) is returning after a one year hiatus and can't wait to get her judge’s hat on again.

The 12 celebrities taking part this year include comedian Neil Delamere, TV presenter Gráinne Seoige, former newsreader Aengus Mac Grianna, Paralympian Ellen Keane, author Cathy Kelly, former jockey Nina Carberry, Aslan’s Billy McGuinness, cyclist Nicolas Roche, singer-songwriter Erica Cody, rugby player Jordan Conroy, Love Island star Matthew MacNabb and Ronan’s Keating’s daughter Missy. Jennifer Zamparelli and Nicky Byrne are reprising their presenting roles, but one change is that Julian Benson is not returning for the fifth series.

The colourful choreographer has been replaced by choreographer and creative director, Arthur Gourounlian, the husband of Big Brother winner Brian Dowling


“I love Julian and will always be his best friend,” says Loraine. “It's a shame for him and I’m sad to see him go, but he'll never be forgotten. Julian’s been such an integral part of the show, and although you have to move on, you never forget the memories you make and the friendships.”

Loraine feels that shaking things up a bit gives the show a new lease of life, and the freshness and newness adds a little spice for viewers.

“Nothing is constant in this life except change,” she points out. “Not that I want them to change me, I hasten to add.

Arthur is absolutely fabulous and he's just a different type of Julian, in a way. He’s great and I love him, and while he has big shoes to fill, he’s a big character too.”

Speaking of change, pro dancer Ryan McShane recently spoke out after being dropped from the show after four years. Loraine has no insight to add to the situation. “I’m on the judging side so it’s not something I know about, but it's always sad when people go,” she says.

“Ryan is a great dancer and he was an integral part of the show as well. I've been a fan of his for many, many years, but things move on, don't they, and we all go in different directions. And sometimes a door closes for a reason because another one's going to open, and Ryan will definitely reinvent himself again.”


At the time of going to press, it hasn't been confirmed whether the show will have live audiences, but if there are, restrictions will apply. The cast and crew already have been given strict guidelines about not socialising, wearing masks and taking antigen tests, so how will all of that affect Loraine? After all, she’s based in London with her partner Peter and is also due to judge a major ballroom dancing competition in Britain in January.

“Whatever the Irish government, HSE, RTÉ and ShinAwil say will go,” she says, adding that she takes constant PCR tests as she travels between both countries.

“Some of the shows I've judged came back during the year in the UK, but we didn't have full capacity and they made everybody show their vaccinations certs and do antigen tests. I'm hoping that I can be there to judge the UK Open, but if I can't, I’ll just have to go with it.” Loraine has been with Peter for five years, and they live in a fabulous home in London. They have just spent Christmas together in Bad Kleinkirchheim in Austria, as usual, and she says this time is always very special for them.

Loraine was in the hotel pool every morning at 7.30am to swim and exercise for an hour and a half. Then she and Peter would go for “the longest walk” in the snow after breakfast, after which they wouldn’t have lunch but would get ready to have a lovely evening together.

“The two of us have all that time together every year to catch up on what I've been doing, what he's been doing and what's happening in the world,” says Loraine. “We have a fabulous relationship and an understanding that he needs his time and I need mine. So come January, Peter always goes away with his best friend Michael on a boys’ holiday while I do the show.”

Loraine has been married twice, and her former husbands, Andrew Sinkinson and Luca Baricchi, were also her dance partners. The marriages ended after the men cheated on her although she continued dancing with Andrew for a time afterwards, which must have been hard. Peter works in finance so is it preferable being with somebody who isn't involved in the business at all?

“Very much so because when you marry the person you dance with, it's 24/7, so you have to have a lot of patience, respect and trust,” she says. “I've learned a lot of lessons from my two relationships, and I loved the two men I married. Unfortunately, it changed for them and I was the one left devastated.”

Loraine says the realisation that what happened wasn't her fault helped her to move on, and dancing helped her to pick up the pieces. She embraced the principles of ­ The e Secret and manifestation when her second relationship broke down in 2011, and told her sister that she wanted to be with a man who was settled and maybe a little bit older. “A nice English man who would treat me nicely and not just want to dance with me,” she recalls.


And then, Loraine was in an airport lounge in Chicago in 2014 on the way to Hong Kong, when Peter walked in, and they got talking while charging their devices. The plane was delayed so they chatted for three hours and Loraine really enjoyed the conversation and felt an immediate spark.

“It was the ‘law of attraction,’ because I looked at him and thought. ‘That’s a nice man,’” she says, adding that Peter is ten years older.

“The hotel he was staying at always sends a little buggy to meet guests off the plane because it's a long walk to passport control. Peter asked if I wanted to share his and when we got to the luggage area, he asked if there was any chance we could have dinner together?

Loraine agreed and thus began a beautiful relationship. She says that her family love Peter, because he is kind, caring and a brilliant listener. “He's the heart and soul of the party and makes everyone feel good,” she smiles.

Dare we ask, should we be buying a hat? “You never know,” she says, enigmatically. “We’ve had the conversation and we’re like, ‘Yeah, okay, we’ll get to that.’ I think that day will probably come, but neither of us is rushing towards it. We’re really just enjoying life.”


Loraine is also very close to her family in Cabra, and spent her 57th birthday with them in December. She adores her mum Caroline, who is “absolutely brilliant,” and a great listener and supporter, and is also very close to her sisters Michelle and Jackie and her brother Jimmy.

“When I was 17, I couldn't wait to leave my family because I wanted to develop my dancing and I travelled the world for years,” she says. “And then I lost my father, Michael, in 2005 when he was only 63, as he had cancer that went through him very quickly.”

“There was a moment where I wondered what I was doing travelling all the time and thinking that maybe I didn't spend enough time with him, so I'm making that more of a priority with my mother. But I know my dad and he was so proud of me and all of his children for what we were achieving, and he wouldn't have wanted it any other way really.”

Loraine says that while dancing is her life and passion, the downsides are that you live on airplanes and out of a suitcase. In her case, working at such ahigh level brought some very personal sacrifices along the way. “I wanted a family but I had miscarriages and it didn't work out for me,” she says.

“When you leave it until you're 35 plus years and you’re a dancer, the stress levels are extremely high and it makes it difficult. But you know, I turned the page and I realised I could go back dancing, and actually some of my friends with children say I’m lucky as I can still do whatever I want.”

Loraine has always been surrounded by children and is very grateful for her five adored nephews and nieces, which comprise her brother’s two sets of twins and her sister’s daughter. “I know I didn't get that family I hoped for but you have to realise that you can't have everything,” she says, philosophically.

“I’m very, very lucky for all that I have and I’m extremely grateful for it.”

“I was so excited when I got the call about Dancing with the Stars returning, and, selfishly, I was excited for myself. I'm so passionate about dancing, so to be head judge and part of such a great show is just everything for me.”

Loraine is equally excited for the viewers as she gets messages from people saying how much they love the show, and how it lifts their spirits and carries them through the dark weeks of winter.

“They love hearing about it - the good things, the amazing dancing, the bad judging,” she laughs. “There’s always something to talk about and I can't wait for it to begin.”


Dancing with the Stars returns on Sunday, January 9 on RTÉ One.

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