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Mark Moriarty Festive Recipes

Ireland’s award winning young chef, Mark Moriarty, shares some delicious and deceptively simple suppers to carry you through from Christmas to New Year - and not a turkey in sight.

Mark Moriarty is a 29-year-old chef, based in Dublin, Ireland. He worked most recently as sous chef at The Greenhouse Restaurant, which held Two Michelin Stars, before finishing in May 2021.

Mark’s new six-part series of Beyond the Menu was broadcast on RTÉ One last month. He is currently working on numerous food projects, including TV, brand consultancy, pop-up restaurants and ambassador roles, while keeping an eye on new opportunities. Mark can be found on RTÉ One as presenter of Cook In with Mark Moriarty. Mark is a former San Pellegrino world young chef of the year and is listed on the Forbes 30under30.


Mark Moriarty's Cheesy White Soda Loaf




◆ 500g plain white fl our

◆ 1 tsp bread soda

◆ 1 tsp salt

◆ 20ml olive oil

◆ 400ml buttermilk (if you can't get buttermilk, add yoghurt and lemon juice to milk)


◆ 50g mature cheddar cheese, grated

◆ 100g red cheddar, cut into small chunks

◆ 100g leftover roast vegetables (Carrot, squash, red pepper, parsnip)

◆ Handful of cooked Spinach (or kale if you have it)


◆ 50g Mixed Nuts (or any nuts you have)

◆ 1 tbsp chilli powder


➊ Mix the plain flour, bread soda and salt in a bowl.

➋ Add the buttermilk and olive oil together, and pour into a well in the centre of the dry mix.

➌ Use your hands to bring the mix together, but don't overmix, as the finished product will become dense.

➍ Add any additional ingredients at this point, and mix until evenly distributed.

➎ Place the mix on a floured surface and roughly shape into a circle, pat down the top of the dough.

➏ Cut 4 small lines across the top of the dough to create 8 wedge shapes, brush the wedge sections with a little extra buttermilk and sprinkle with chilli powder and salt, leave a gap where you cut the lines

➐ Bake in a preheated oven at 190c for 30-35mins until the base sounds hollow to tap

➑ Cool on a wire rack, then tear and share.



Mark Moriarty's Beef Wellington



◆ 1kg beef fillet, trimmed

◆ 3 sandwich wraps

◆ 200ml cream

◆ 30 button mushrooms, blended to fi ne crumb

◆ 100g sheet pre made puff pastry



➊ Place a pan on the heat and wait until it is smoking hot. Add some oil, season the meat, then brown the beef fillet all over, as quickly as possible.

➋ Chill in the fridge.

➌ In a separate pan, add the mushroom mix and increase the heat. Cook out until all the liquid has evaporated, stirring constantly.

➍ As the mix turns dark brown, add the cream and allow to reduce completely.

➎ Finish with salt, ground pepper and some lemon juice. Chill in fridge.


➊ Roll a sheet of clingfilm on a bench.

➋ Place the wraps down fi st, overlapping.

➌ Add the mushrooms and spread an even layer, approx. 1cm thick, don't spread to the edge of the wraps, leave about an inch.

➍ Place the browned beef fillet in the middle

➎ Roll the crepes over everything, into a cylinder shape, use the clingfilm to tighten the roll.

➏ Continue rolling the cling film around to tighten the roll into a sausage shape, twist both ends around and place in the fridge for 1 hour to set.


➊ Roll a sheet of clingfilm on the bench.

➋ Place a sheet of puff pastry on the clingfilm

➌ Remove the beef roll from its clingfilm, it will hold in a sausage shape, and place on the puff pastry

➍ Brush the exterior of the puff with egg yolk

➎ Roll the puff over the beef roll in the same way as before, making sure to tighten the ends and leave no holes. Roll the clingfilm to tighten and return to the fridge to set for an hour


➊ Remove the pastry and beef roll from the clingfilm.

➋ Brush all over with egg yolk and dry

➌ Brush a second layer with egg yolk and dry

➍ Decorate the wellington using cutters or simply by scoring the pastry with a knife. It's now ready for the oven.


Option 1: Bake at 200c for 40 mins and rest for 10 mins before carving

Option 2: Place a probe into the centre of the beef, cook till core temp of 50c, remove from oven and allow to rest until the temp reaches 60c. Carve and serve.


Mark Moriarty's Herb Crusted Cod, Green Beans & Hollandaise



Prep time: 20 minutes

Cook time: 30 minutes


◆ 800g cod, skinned and cleaned

◆ 5g sea salt

◆ 50g parsley

◆ 50g chives

◆ 100g grated parmesan

◆ 200g stale bread, chopped

◆ ½ lemon, zest


◆ 200g green beans

◆ 50g sliced almonds

◆ 30g butter


◆ 2 egg yolks

◆ 2 tblsp white wine vinegar

◆ 2 tblsp lemon juice

◆ Salt

◆ 300ml melted butter



➊ Preheat the oven to 180C.

➋ Sprinkle the sea salt on the cod, and leave in the fridge for 30 mins, then pat dry

➌ In a food processor, blend the parsley, chives, parmesan and bread. Season with salt, pepper and lemon zest

➍ Place the fish on baking parchment on a tray, then cover in the green breadcrumbs. Pat down so it completely covers the fish

➎ Cook for 15 mins



➊ Place a pot of boiling water on the heat, season with salt and some sugar

➋ Cook the beans for 2mins, until tender

➌ Add your almonds to a dry pan and allow to begin browning, then add your butter and cook till brown and nutty.

➍ Add your green beans and coat, serve immediately


➊ Place the egg yolks, vinegar and lemon juice in a bowl over a small pot of steaming water. Whisk over the heat until pale in colour and double in size.

➋ Then remove from the heat, and slowly whisk in your melted butter until a thick sauce is formed. Adjust seasoning and serve alongside the fish and beans.


Mark Moriarty’s six part series, Beyond The Menu, is available on RTÉ Player. For more visit markmoriarty.ie

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