Springtime Recipes

Herald the arrival of spring and all its beautiful bounty with some seasonal recipes from acclaimed chef Noel McMeel.


Noel McMeel

To celebrate spring, Lough Erne Resort culinary director Noel McMeel, shares some of his favourite recipes for a range of mouth-watering dishes that you can make at home. Noel has cooked for an impressive range of dignitaries and celebrities, including Barack Obama and Sir Paul McCartney, but the talented chef remains focused on his particular brand of modern Irish cooking and a very simple philosophy: sourcing, preparing and serving fresh food in season.

He is a true champion for local produce, using only the highest quality ingredients in his recipes.

From lamb rump, Guinness & Treacle bread to granny’s fruit scones, these delectable delights are full of flavour and satisfying.


Spring lamb rump with black garlic puree


◆ 4 lamb rumps

◆ 30g lamb fat

◆ 1 sprig of rosemary, leaves stripped

◆ 2 garlic cloves,

◆ Crushed salt to taste

For the black garlic puree:

◆ 190g black garlic, peeled

◆ 85ml water

◆ 15g xanthan gum

◆ 2.5g salt

◆ 15ml white wine vinegar

◆ 15g caster sugar


➊ Set the oven to 180C/gas mark 4. Start on the lamb rump by placing half the lamb fat in a pan on a medium to high heat. Season thoroughly all over and place the rump fat-side down in the pan.

Continue to turn until all sides are sealed and golden brown. Transfer the pan to the oven and cook for 6 minutes.

➋ Remove from the oven and add the remaining lamb fat, rosemary and garlic. Coat the lamb in the rosemary and garlic mixture. Set aside to rest.

➌ Return the lamb rump to the oven for a further 3 minutes.

➍ For the black garlic puree, place all the ingredients in a blender, but with boiling hot water instead of cold water. Pass through a fi ne sieve and set aside to cool.

➎ Prepare the dish by piping the black garlic on the plate. Carve the lamb rump which can be placed on any vegetable of your choice.



Guinness and Treacle Bread


◆ 9 oz wholemeal flour

◆ 2 oz of strong flour

◆ 1 tsp of bread soda

◆ 1 oz of pinhead oatmeal

◆ 1 oz of wheat bran

◆ 1 tsp of salt

◆ 1 oz of brown sugar

◆ 4 fl oz of Guinness

◆ 4 tbsp of black treacle (80 ml)

◆ 2 fl oz of melted butter

◆ 4 fl oz of milk

◆ 1 egg


➊ Combine all dry ingredients.

➋ Melt treacle in the butter and add the Guinness, milk and egg.

➌ Combine the two mixtures.

➍ Pour into a 11b loaf tin and bake it for about 45 minutes at 160 c.

➎ Turn out onto a tray and cook for a further 15 minutes.



◆ 125g raw peeled potato (a floury variety such as Dunbar Standard or Maris Piper)

◆ 125g mashed potato, made from 200g floury potatoes, peeled and cooked

◆ 125g plain flour, plus extra for dusting

◆ ½tsp baking powder

◆ ½tsp salt

◆ Large knob of salted butter, melted and cooled

◆ A little milk if necessary


➊ Grate the raw potato into a bowl. Turn out onto a cloth and wring over a bowl, catching the liquid. This will separate into a clear fluid with starch at the bottom.

Pour off and discard the fluid, then scrape out the starch and mix it with the grated and mashed potatoes.

➋ Sift the dry ingredients and mix into the potatoes with the melted butter, adding a little milk if necessary, to make a pliable dough. Knead lightly on a floured surface.

➌ Pan-fry in a hot pan with some oil until golden brown and serve


Granny's fruit scones


◆ 450g plain flour

◆ Pinch of salt

◆ 2tsp bicarbonate of soda

◆ 2tsp cream of tartar

◆ 50g caster sugar

◆ 50g butter

◆ 100g sultanas

◆ 300ml whole milk

◆ 1 egg, beaten


➊ Pre-heat your oven to 220C/gas mark 7. Grease two baking sheets with a little butter and set aside.

➋ Si­ the flour, salt, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar into a large bowl (this is what makes baking powder), holding the si­ft up to allow some air into them. Gently stir in the sugar.

➌ Using the tips of your fingers, rub in the butter to the dry ingredients, again lifting as you do to allow air in. Continue until you have a sandy consistency.

➍ Stir in the sultanas and create a well in the middle. Add milk to the well and, using your hands, gently bring the ingredients together to form a so­ , slightly sticky dough.

➎ Turn out onto a floured work surface and gently knead together, before stretching the dough to about 2cm thickness.

➏ Using a cookie cutter of your choice, cut your scones out and place them onto your pre-greased baking sheets. The smaller your cutter, the more scones you will get. Reform and stretch the dough as required to use all of the dough.

➐ Leave your scones to rest on the tray for about 10 minutes before brushing the tops with some beaten egg.

➑ Once cool enough to touch, transfer to a wire rack to cool completely or enjoy while still warm.



Hot rhubarb souffle with home-made custard


◆ 250g fresh rhubarb

◆ 50g caster sugar

◆ 50g water

◆ 100g so­ ball sugar

◆ Corn flour to thicken

◆ 3 egg whites


◆ 1 vanilla pod, seeds scraped out

◆ 150ml/5fl oz milk

◆ 100ml/3½oz double cream

◆ 2 free-range egg yolks

◆ 25g/1oz caster sugar


➊ Bring the rhubarb, water and 50g sugar to a simmer, then blend until it is smooth and pass through a fine sieve.

➋ Return mixture to a clean saucepan and leave to the side.

➌ Bring 100g caster sugar, and a little water to bind, to the boil and simmer on to the so­ ball stage (110C).

➍ Add this to the rhubarb mix, then bring the mixture back to heat slowly.

➎ Dissolve the corn flour with a little water and thicken the raspberry mix to a crème pate consistency.

➏ When thick, put into a clean mixing bowl and leave to cool, mixing with a whisk to speed up the process. Whisk three egg whites to so­ peaks and when the rhubarb mixture is cool enough, beat in half the eggs, then gently fold in the other half.

➐ Pipe into the prepared moulds and place in a bain marie then bake at 190C for 10 to 12 minutes. Sprinkle the top with some icing sugar and quickly serve.

➑ To make the custard, place a small saucepan over a high heat. Add the vanilla seeds and the empty pod, milk and cream and bring to a simmer.

➒ Remove from the heat and allow to stand, letting the flavours infuse. Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks with the sugar in a large bowl.

➓ Next, remove the vanilla pod from the infused cream and gradually pour the vanilla cream into the egg mix, whisking well continuously. Return the custard to the saucepan. Stir over a gentle heat until the custard thickens and coats the back of the spoon. Sprinkle the top of each sou e with some icing sugar and quickly serve with the custard.


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