Health questions with… Elena Tice

Irish Women's Hockey International Elena Tice at the launch of the 2020 Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal, which moves to an online-only appeal for the first time. People across Ireland are being asked to #TeamUpForTeamHope by donating gift-filled …

Irish Women's Hockey International Elena Tice at the launch of the 2020 Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal, which moves to an online-only appeal for the first time. People across Ireland are being asked to #TeamUpForTeamHope by donating gift-filled shoeboxes for children affected by poverty in Eastern Europe and Africa, which can be built online at Picture: Marc O'Sullivan.

Have you always had an interest in health and wellbeing?

I started taking an interest in my health when I was around 16 or 17. As an athlete, my interest has always been from a sports performance point of view.

How important is health and fitness to you?

It’s super important. Fitness is obviously a huge element of playing hockey, so trying to maintain good health and fitness year-round is a big part of life for me. The team trains together a couple of times a week – whether it’s in the gym or for the pitch practice, so it’s something that we continually work on. I don’t always get it right but I’m always pushing to improve.

Would you say you enjoy working out and eating well?

I definitely enjoy working out. I do so much of it, my life wouldn’t be very fun if I didn’t [enjoy it]! I enjoy eating well and making sure my diet is nutritious and balanced, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy a few treats.

What’s your go-to guilty pleasure food?

There’s a lot of not-so-healthy foods that I love! I think my favourite thing is a really good pizza. There’s a few pizza spots around Dublin that I adore and I look forward to getting a few slices after a hard few weeks of training and matches.

Do you ever have days where you struggle to make health a priority?

Absolutely. Sometimes the speed of life and other stresses can get on top of you and you forget to do things throughout your day that will prioritise your health. I guess the most important thing is not to let one day pull you off your whole routine.

How do you motivate yourself to exercise?

I guess that’s an easy one for me! If I don’t train hard, I won’t improve and won’t get to play in the big games.

How important is it to factor in time to look after your mental health?

It’s absolutely essential. Whether it’s time spent reading, writing or talking to friends. Taking steps to keep you positive and aware of how you are doing makes a huge difference. No one is exempt from finding things difficult at different times, so it’s incredibly important to actively work at your mental wellbeing.

What’s your favourite way to mind your mental health?

For me it mostly involves talking and sharing with friends and family as well as putting my faith at the centre of my life.

Do you engage in any other self-care practices?

Self-care for me is just spending time with the people I love – it’s a time when I can take a time out and complete relax, so I try to do that whenever I can.

Do you ever feel under pressure to look a certain way?

I think everyone probably does at times. As an athlete there can be an expectation to be a certain shape or look a certain way. I just try to focus on taking the right steps to be healthy and perform well.

Do you drink alcohol?

I do occasionally. My favourite drink is definitely a pint of Guinness.

What are your three top tips for staying in good health?

1. Stay active, often! Getting out and moving helps you feel better about your day as a whole.

2. Do it with others (more easily done when not in a global pandemic)! Accountability and encouragement are game changers. That’s why being on a sports team is so great. You have people around you who are on the same journey and can encourage you in yours.

3. Don’t be too hard on yourself. That’s not to say don’t be disciplined, but don’t get too upset if you don’t nail it every day. Do your best, but some days you might slip up. Just keep going.

What’s your number one confidence-boosting tip?

I really do think that sometimes you can achieve anything you put your mind to when it comes to fitness and health. Sometimes it takes time and there can be bumps along the road but it always can be done, but don’t let your goal totally consume you. Make sure you have time for other things too. Find the balance.

What’s your life’s philosophy?

I’m not sure I have a life philosophy, but my faith is really important to me and it is the biggest guiding hand in my life. I just try to work hard, be a good person and be kind to myself and others.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Whatever you are doing, make sure you find ways to take joy from the little things each day.

Elena Tice is the ambassador for the Team Hope Chirstmas Shoebox Appeal 2020. People are being asked to #TeamUpForTeamHope and build-a-box online for children affected by poverty in Eastern Europe and Africa at

Wellbeing, PeopleWoman's Way