Reader fiction: The envelope

It was Christmas Eve, a soft flow of wintry snow had fallen. Snuggled in my woolly hat and scarf, I juggled through the crowds on my way to work.

"Morning Marie," as I went into the bank.

"Hi James."

"Marie, office party, ho, ho, ho." 

"Yeah, James, let the bells ring out for Christmas."

James has been working at the bank for 10 years, ticking all the boxes: hardworking, fun trustworthy and reliable.

Every year we have a merry festive time, glistening lights on the Christmas tree. Conversations flowing between colleagues enjoying the banquet feast. Turkey, chicken, lamb or duck with crispy roast potatoes with a succulent salad, enjoying sparkling champagne, ‘cheers; raising our glasses. 

"James, last dance before Santa in Jack’s office."

"Yeah, Marie." A blurred vision unfolded, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I had fallen asleep… Yet my eyes were awakened to cold stares entering Jack’s office.

The atmosphere was strange and tense. Standing beside me was a Police Officer with Jack, who looked at me in a strange way mentioning, "the money in the bank’s deposit safe was missing. All the staff had their handprints checked through the lie detector and passed. Your hand prints…”

Shocked, I could not believe what Jack had told me, the lie detector traced my hand prints to the missing money in the safe. I pleaded with Jack, "the lie detector is wrong." I had not taken the money, sadly I had no evidence to prove my innocence.  

"Sorry, James, I did not expect things to turn out this way, you are dismissed from the bank today."

Glued eyes were facing me, as I held my head down leaving Jack’s office with the policeman out of the building.         

Feeling stunned, I woke up in a cold sweat to a brown envelop beside me on the table in Jack’s office. Gloomy thoughts went through my head; this must be the dismissal letter.

Suddenly creaking came from the office door. I looked up then down. I felt on edge I started to open the envelope.

I jumped back falling off the chair out popped a Secret Santa "Happy Christmas and congratulations James, you have been appointed as the New Manager for your 10 years of excellent service and commitment with the bank.”

My eyes suddenly lit up. I knew then, I had awakened from a creepy dream.

I could hear laughter as the office door opened - all the staff with Jack who was leaving, gathered around me wearing Father Christmas costumes, singing "For he's a jolly good fellow, and so say all of us."

"Happy Christmas James and enjoy the season of goodwill!"

Bursting into tears of joy, this is a Christmas that I will never forget. 

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