Random Acts of Kindness  

Random Acts of Kindness  

We all know the saying, ‘it’s nice to be nice’, but did you know it’s been scientifically proven that performing random acts of kindness can make us feel happier and more content. Here are 15 random acts of kindness you can do this week.  


Performing random acts of kindness is one of the quickest ways to lift someone’s mood and make a difference in their day. Remember the old fashioned saying, ‘it costs nothing to be kind’, well, it’s true. The simplest and most mundane act can make the biggest difference to someone because it’s when we go out of our way to be nice, that the gesture feels so much more meaningful. Random acts of kindness have been used to spread joy and help others all the while, giving us a greater sense of purpose by doing something good. These different acts have been used to reduce stress, boost serotonin levels and even release neurochemicals that give us a sense of well-being called, ‘the helpers high’. An act of kindness as simple as letting someone go in front of you in a line or holding a door open can promote empathy and compassion, which in turn will help you establish better connections with the people around you. Some of the biggest celebrities have shown us that random acts of kindness aren’t about broadcasting the good deed you’ve done. It’s an intimate exchange where both parties recognise the authenticity of the gesture. It’s just one human to another in a moment of sincerity. Angelina Jolie comforted a woman who was almost trampled at an event she attended, wiped her tears and stayed with her until she got over her panic. Colin Farrell struck up a conversation with a homeless man in Toronto, gave him money for new clothes and then rented an apartment for him for a year. The unexpected nature of a kind act shows you the good in people and the world around you. It may also inspire others to be kind, beginning a cycle of positivity in a sometimes negative world. Here are 15 random acts of kindness that you can do this week. 

Hold the door open for someone

Holding the door open for someone is one of the easiest random acts of kindness you can do. It takes no more than two seconds and you might just make someone’s day. 

Let the person behind you skip you in the queue 

We all know what it's like to get stuck in the rush that is the 'Saturday Food Shop', especially when you've only come in for a sliced pan and a packet of rashers. If someone only has a couple of items to buy compared to your full trolley, why not let them go ahead of you in the queue?

Pay someone a compliment either in person or online 

The world can be a negative place so why not inject a little positivity into it? Paying someone a genuine compliment either in person or online is a simple yet effective way of spreading some joy. 

Smile at someone 

There's no need to grin at everyone you see, but if someone looks like they could do with a little happy, what harm? Smiles are contagious and a very easy way to brighten someone's day. 

Whether it’s your mammy, daddy, brother, sister or best friend, giving them an unexpected hug is always a mood booster. It will make your loved ones feel appreciated and who doesn’t love a cuddle now and then. (If you're not vaccinated, let's stick with a friendly elbow touch!)  

Angelina Jolie comforts fan.jpg

Buy the person in line behind you a coffee 

This is my favourite one to do - when you're in a long line for coffee, why not pay for the person's drink behind you? I play it safe by giving the barista a fiver for the next order and if there's any spare change, it goes straight in the tip jar. One random act of kindness - two happy people! With any luck, the person behind you can continue the act. 

Give up your seat on the bus 

If you're able to stand for the duration of your journey, give up your seat to someone who needs it. The busy morning bus to work is slowly returning, you never know who has a long day ahead. 

Buy someone a warm meal 

It doesn't need to be a four-courser but buying someone a cup of soup and sambo is a brilliant way to give back to the community. Buy a warm meal for someone who needs it. Be mindful of allergies! 

Pick up litter

Do your part and pick up any litter you see around your local area. Keeping your community clean and tidy will make all the difference to you and others. 

Donate your flowers

Maybe you’ve just celebrated your birthday or have been spoiled for Valentine’s Day but if you have any extra flowers that you don’t need then why not donate them to a local nursing home? It will brighten someone’s day. 

Donate your old clothes

If you’re like us and have been online shopping for 14 months straight, it’s time for a wardrobe declutter. Donating any old clothes to the charity shop or putting them in the clothes bank is the best and most sustainable way to get rid of unwanted clothing. 

Make toiletry boxes for the homeless. 

Using old shoeboxes, make up a few self-care packages to be donated to a local homeless shelter. Toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, water-wipes and hand sanitiser are basic toiletries that would be great to include. 

Give blood 

If you can, donate blood. Even if you're scared of needles, the fear is a small price to pay for potentially saving a life. Blood is the most precious gift you can give to someone. 

Donate your old glasses

Donating your old glasses can help people who cannot afford to buy lenses or frames. Prescription glasses can be expensive, even if your insurance might cover some of the cost. Multiple charities in Ireland collect your old spectacles and give them a new home for someone that needs them. 

Check on your elderly neighbours

Always check on your elderly neighbours, especially in the winter months. If you're popping to the shop, why not see if they need a few bits to keep them going for the week? Throwing an extra carton of milk in with the weekly shop won't be a big deal for you, but I'm sure your neighbour will appreciate it.WW

WellbeingWoman's Way