5 Peak Experiences

People who regularly enjoy ‘peak experiences’, moments when they become swept away, feel an overwhelming sense of awe and lose track of time, are believed to be happier and more alive than the rest of us. While it’s impossible to plan these moments – by their nature they are elusive – we can and should step out of our comfort zone and see what happens. Here are five activities that might just lead to a peak experience.


1. Kayaking

Whether it’s floating serenely down a canal, riding choppy waves or negotiating river rapids, kayaking offers a whole new perspective on the natural world. Kayaking on still waters is wonderfully relaxing, offering the time and space to observe wildlife with only the gentle splash of an oar to break the silence. The more adventurous might like to try a bit of sea kayaking, perhaps around one of Ireland’s many islands. Without the noise of a boat engine, seals and dolphins are more likely to appear. The truly brave (and experienced) can pit themselves against nature on a fast flowing river. 

Visit kayaking.ie


2. Ziplining

If bungee jumping just isn’t your thing (sensible woman that you are), ziplining is an easier alternative that gets us back to where we once started, among the branches of a tree. Zitpit offers treetop adventures for all abilities in Coilte forests in Dublin, Roscommon and Cork. Along with the ziplines, there are swinging logs, cargo nets and rope bridges with not a single concrete structure or wooden pole in sight. There are various circuits at each location  to suit all ages and levels of flexibility. Everyone wears a harness and instructors provide a safety briefing before each session. The equipment and platforms are designed to allow the trees to keep on growing. So bring out your inner Tarzan or Jane and get swinging.

Visit zitpit.ie


3. Rock climbing

As kids we climbed just about anything that could be climbed, and probably plenty of things that should never be scaled. Somewhere along the way we lost faith in our ability to master even the smallest structure. And yet, Ireland boasts some of the most amazing locations for rock climbing from the valleys to mountains to cliffs. Hike and Climb offer a range of courses to get you climbing again, including complete beginners, indoor climbing and more advance sessions. It operates in Wicklow, the Mournes and Cooley Mountains so aside from mastering a new skills, you get to enjoy stunning scenery. It was also provides courses in a range of indoor climbing centres. Indoor climbing is one of the fastest growing activities in Ireland and is now an Olympic sport. Start training now and you might just bring home gold.

Visit hikeandclimb.ie


4. Whale watching

Did you know that the coastal waters of Ireland were the first to become an official whale and dolphin sanctuary and offer some of the best whale watching in Europe. The waters along the south coast are a summer feeding ground for a number of whale species and year round home to many dolphin species. From spring to autumn, Whale Watch West Cork run day trips on a catamaran built specifically for whale and dolphin watching tours. 

Visit whalewatchwestcork.com

5. The Arts

Aside from immersion in the natural world, peak experiences are most commonly associated with the Arts. Whether we’re losing ourselves in a beautiful piece of music or transfixed by a an artwork, the extraordinary ability of creative pieces to touch us at some fundamental level should not be underestimated. Alongside so many other aspects of our communal life, the arts have suffered greatly during the pandemic lockdowns, with concerts cancelled, galleries shuttered and theatres closed. Supporting the arts as we open up, not only provides much needed relief for the people employed in that area, it also offers us an opportunity to feel again that wonderful sense of connection with other humans as we enjoy live music, visit galleries or watch plays.


TravelWoman's Way