Win An Original Painting Of Your Favourite Animal Worth €850

Deborah Donnelly, an accomplished artist, teacher and author hailing from Dublin, is giving one lucky reader the chance to win an original painting of their favourite animal or a beloved pet, worth €850.

Deborah's greatest commission was a giant 10ft by 10ft painting of a cow, commissioned by the late and great chef Gary Rhodes for his restaurants. This brought Deborah fantastic exposure Britain where she shows her work with several galleries. Her books are also in the Tate Museums and Saatchi galleries. Through social media, Deborah strives to share her vision of Expressionism with thousands of people and encourages them to try and paint too.

Her mantra is ‘Expression beats Depression’ and through her YouTube videos, she makes painting look easy.

Shop Deborah’s new line of branded sketchpads and notebooks online at


To enter, please answer the following question:

Which Chef Did Deborah Donnelly Paint A Cow For?

How To Enter

Email your answer and photo of your chosen animal by February 14, 2022 to: including your name, address and telephone number and labelling your mail ‘The Deborah Donnelly Competition’

This Woman's Way competition is open to anyone resident in NI and the Republic of Ireland, aged 18 and over, except employees and their families of Harmonia Publishing, its printers and anyone else connected with the competition. No purchase is necessary. We will only accept one competition entry per reader. Prizes are awarded by drawing entries a­fter the closing date. Winners will be notified by email. The editor’s decision is final.


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